Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Spotlight Search


Listing your app content on Apple's new Spotlight search with Branch is easy. Note that this guide will list on both cloud search and local spotlight search.


Indexing Content

Some older devices cannot index content. iPad minis, for example, cannot use CoreSpotlight. The SDK includes a check for these devices and will return an error message if you attempt to index content on them.



This guide requires you to have already integrated the Branch SDK into your app. For Spotlight search results to function as intended, you should also configure deep link routing.

List Content

Content can be added to Spotlight search by using the BranchUniversalObject. We'd recommend that you put this on every page that renders a piece of content for your users. This way, a user could rediscover a previous thing that they had viewed.

First, define the content that you'd like to have listed by describing it with a BranchUniversalObject. We'd recommend that you do as early as possible, in viewDidLoad.

Then call the registerView method on your BranchUniversalObject. You will want to do this every single time a user views a page in your app, so we recommend putting this in viewDidAppear, which means you must initialize the Branch Universal Object with all appropriate metadata before viewDidAppear.

  • Swift 3

    // Describe your content with a BranchUniversalObject:
    let branchUniversalObject: BranchUniversalObject = BranchUniversalObject(canonicalIdentifier: "item/12345")
    branchUniversalObject.title = "My Content Title"
    branchUniversalObject.contentDescription = "My Content Description"
    branchUniversalObject.imageUrl = ""
    branchUniversalObject.addMetadataKey("property1", value: "blue")
    branchUniversalObject.addMetadataKey("property2", value: "red")
    // Set this to true if you'd like the content to be publicly searchable through Google and Apple search:
    branchUniversalObject.publiclyIndex = true
    // Important! Set this flag to true for local spotlight indexing:
    branchUniversalObject.locallyIndex = true
    // Next, register the content view, perhaps in your `viewDidAppear` method:
  • Objective C

    // Describe your content with a BranchUniversalObject:
    BranchUniversalObject *branchUniversalObject = [[BranchUniversalObject alloc] initWithCanonicalIdentifier:@"item/12345"];
    branchUniversalObject.title = @"My Content Title";
    branchUniversalObject.contentDescription = @"My Content Description";
    branchUniversalObject.imageUrl = @"";
    [branchUniversalObject addMetadataKey:@"property1" value:@"blue"];
    [branchUniversalObject addMetadataKey:@"property2" value:@"red"];
    // Set this to true if you'd like the content to be publicly searchable through Google and Apple search:
    branchUniversalObject.publiclyIndex = YES;
    // Important! Set this flag to true for local spotlight indexing:
    branchUniversalObject.locallyIndex = YES;
    // Next, register the content view, perhaps in your `viewDidAppear` method:
      [branchUniversalObject registerView];

This will create the appropriate NSUserActivity and tell Apple that a view occurred, adding it to the local Spotlight index if not already present in addition to increasing it's ranking in the global index. To read more about this, check out this blog post.

Handle incoming traffic from Spotlight

Open your AppDelegate.m file and add the following method. If you completed the basic SDK integration guide, this is likely already present.

  • Swift 3

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([Any]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
        // pass the url to the handle deep link call
        return Branch.getInstance().continueUserActivity(userActivity)
        return true
  • Objective C

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *restorableObjects))restorationHandler {
        [[Branch getInstance] continueUserActivity:userActivity];
        return YES;


Use deepviews for user acquisition

If the user doesn't have the app installed and finds your content through search, Spotlight will open up the browser. In this situation, you can show a Deepview, which is an automatically-generated, mobile web render of the app content.

Customize content

  • You can use our identifier when indexing to perform advanced customizations of the content being listed.

    • Swift 3

      branch.getSpotlightUrl(withParams: ["$og_title": "My App",
                                          "$og_description": "My app is disrupting apps",
                                          "$og_thumb": "",
                                          "object_id": "1234"],
                               callback: { (params, error) in
              if let params = params {
                      // params will contain @"url" and @"spotlight_identifier"
                      // the example below shows where to use them
                      // Index via the NSUserActivity strategy
                      // you must set the new NSUserActivity to the property of a UIViewController
                      self.userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: params["spotlight_identifer"] as! String)
                      self.userActivity.webpageURL = URL(string: params["url"] as! String)
    • Objective-C

      [branch getSpotlightUrlWithParams:@{@"$og_title": @"My App",
                                              @"$og_description": @"My app is disrupting apps",
                                              @"$og_thumb": @"",
                                              @"object_id": @"1234"}
                                   callback:^(NSDictionary *params, NSError *error) {
              if (!error && params) {
                  // params will contain @"url" and @"spotlight_identifier"
                  // the example below shows where to use them
                  // Index via the NSUserActivity strategy
                  // you must set the new NSUserActivity to the property of a UIViewController
                  self.userActivity = [[NSUserActivity alloc] initWithActivityType:params[@"spotlight_identifer"]];
                  self.userActivity.webpageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:params[@"url"]];
                  [self.userActivity becomeCurrent];

Index content at scale

If the goal is to simply index the content of the app without creating a BranchUniversalObject or if you want index content at scale then we recommend using the following method:

  • Swift 3

    let set:BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet = BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet()
    set.title = "My Content Title"
    set.contentDescription = "My Content Description"
    set.params = ["property1" : "blue", "property2" : "red"]
    set.keywords = ["array", "of", "keywords"]
    set.thumbnailURL = URL(string: "")
    set.index { (url, spotlightIdentifier, error) in
        print("url \(String(describing: url)), spotlightIdentifier \(String(describing: spotlightIdentifier)), error \(error.debugDescription)")
  • Objective-C

    BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet *set = [[BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet alloc] init];
    set.title = @"My Content Title";
    set.contentDescription = @"My Content Description";
    set.params = @{@"property1" : @"blue", @"property2" : @"red"};
    set.keywords = [NSSet setWithArray:@["array", "of", "keywords"]];
    set.thumbnailURL = @"";
    [set indexWithCallback:^(NSString * _Nullable url, NSString * _Nullable spotlightIdentifier, NSError * _Nullable error) {
        NSLog(@"url %@, spotlightIdentifier %@, error %@ ", url, spotlightIdentifier, error);

Index content using Branch Universal Object on Spotlight

  • Index single Branch Universal Object

    • Swift 3

      universalObject.listOnSpotlight(with: linkProperty) { (url, error) in
          if (!error) {
              print("Successfully indexed on spotlight")
    • Objective-C

      [universalObject listOnSpotlightWithLinkProperties:linkProperties callback:^(NSString * _Nullable url, NSError * _Nullable error) {
          if (!error) {
               NSLog(@"Successfully indexed on spotlight");


Content Indexing

Content would be indexed using NSUserActivity if contentIndexMode of BranchUniversalObject is Public; otherwise it would be indexed using CSSearchableIndex.

  • Index batch of Branch Universal Objects on Spotlight using CSSearchableIndex

    • Swift 3

      Branch.getInstance().indexOnSpotlight(usingSearchableItems: universalObjects,
                                              completion: { (universalObjects, error) in
           if (!error) {
              // Successfully able to index all the BUO on spotloght
    • Objective-C

      [[Branch getInstance] indexOnSpotlightUsingSearchableItems:universalObjects
                                                  completion:^(NSArray<BranchUniversalObject *> *universalObjects,
                                                               NSError *error) {
              if (!error) {
                 // Successfully able to index all the BUO on spotloght


BUO Indexing

All the Branch Universal Objects will be indexed using CSSearchableIndex irrespective of it's contentIndexMode.

  • Remove single Branch Universal Object from Spotlight if privately indexed

    • Swift 3

      universalObject.removeFromSpotlight { (error) in
          if(!error) {
              print("BUO successfully removed")
    • Objective-C

      [universalObject removeFromSpotlightWithCallback:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
          if (!error) {
              NSLog(@"universal Object removed from spotlight");
  • Remove batch of Branch Universal Objects from Spotlight if privately indexed

    • Swift 3

      Branch.getInstance().removeSearchableItems(with: [BUO1,BUO2]) { (error) in
          if (!error) {
              print("An array of BUOs removed from spotlight")
    • Objective-C

      [[Branch getInstance] removeSearchableItemsWithBranchUniversalObjects:@[BUO1,BUO2] callback:^(NSError *error) {
          if (!error) {
              NSLog(@"An array of BUOs removed from spotlight");



spotlightIdentifier member variable of Branch Universal Object should contain the spotlight indentifier which was used to index content to successfully remove indexing.

  • Remove all the content from Spotlight if privately indexed using Branch SDK

    • Swift 3

      Branch.getInstance().removeAllPrivateContentFromSpotLight { (error) in
          if (!error) {
              print("All branch privately indexed content removed from spotlight")
    • Objective-C

      [[Branch getInstance] removeAllPrivateContentFromSpotLightWithCallback:^(NSError *error) {
          if (!error) {
              NSLog(@"All branch privately indexed content removed from spotlight");