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Impact of iOS 14 on Branch Data Integrations

Will Branch's integration with this partner require updates for iOS 14?Does customer need to take action?
AdjustYes - need to collect IDFV
AdobeIntegration is still valid without IDFA, because they would use MID/VID/AID user IDs.

Still need to update postbacks to use IDFV, as device ID can be a fallback attribution parameter in lieu of a user ID (Adobe to first confirm if/how they can ingest IDFV).
Not at this time. Partner waiting for Apple's policy updates before making any changes.
AmplitudeNoNot at this time. Partner waiting for Apple's policy updates before making any changes.
AppsFlyerYes - need to collect IDFV
BrazeNo - Integration is still valid without IDFA, because they would use internal user IDs
FirebaseNo - This integration is handled entirely client-side
Google AnalyticsNo - Integration is still valid without IDFA, because they would use internal user IDs
HeapNoNot at this time. Partner waiting for Apple's policy updates before making any changes.
KochavaNo - DI already uses IDFV if IDFA is missing from event
MixpanelIntegration is still valid without IDFA, because they would use Mixpanel's anonymous user IDs.

Still need to update postbacks to use IDFV, as device ID can be a fallback attribution parameter in lieu of a user ID (Mixpanel to first confirm if/how they can ingest IDFV).
Not at this time. Partner waiting for Apple's policy updates before making any changes.
mParticleNo - Integration is still valid without IDFA, because they would use internal user IDs.Should upgrade to latest versions of all the relevant SDKs and kits to be safe.

Customers who still want to collect IDFA and pass it to mParticle should implement Apple's frameworks for collecting it directly and pass it to mParticle on an Identify call.
SegmentNo - Integration is still valid without IDFA, because they would use internal user IDs.Should upgrade to latest versions of all the relevant SDKs and kits to be safe.

Customers who still want to collect IDFA and pass it to Segment should implement Apple's frameworks for collecting it directly and pass it to Segment on an Identify call.
Visual IQNoNot at this time. Partner waiting for Apple's policy updates before making any changes.