Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Apple Search Ads Data & Reporting

View Attribution on Dashboard

All the attribution can be visible on the Branch Dashboard summary page. All installs and opens registered from this channel will automatically be tagged with the channel: Apple App Store and the Ad Partner: Apple Search Ads. The campaign will be set to the Campaign Name you've configured in the Apple Search Ads dashboard.

Note that these stats are limited to the date range at the top of the page. You can expand the range if you'd like.


Cost Data Support

Incompatible Dimensions

For some dimensions, you will see special callouts before adding them to your reports. Based on which dimensions are added, Branch will select the appropriate data source. If there is a clash between dimensions, we'll select a "default" data source. Branch will also provide warning icons to describe the collision:

Keyword ID

With the new framework, keywordId is also passed to Branch , and you may use that in your Compare Bys to measure your campaign performance.

This is also available in Branch's Query API in the last_attributed_touch_data_tilde_keyword_id field in all EO topics.

Keyword Name and Ad Set Name

With the new framework, Branch is now able to retrieve keyword names and Ad set names for Apple Search Campaigns, and you may use that in your Compare Bys to measure your campaign performance.

Data Mapping and Reporting

Branch fetches two types of reports from the Apple Search Ads API: keyword-level and ad-level.

These reports are different, but they share some fields in common. The tables below outline which fields are exclusively in keyword-level reports, which fields are exclusively in ad-level reports, and which fields are in both (universal).

Additionally, the fields that Branch receives from the Apple API are mapped to Branch fields. These mappings are also included in the tables below.

Keyword-Level Fields

The following fields are included only in keyword-level reports:

Apple Search Ads ParameterBranch Mapped Field

Ad-Level Fields

The following fields are included only in ad-level reports:

Apple Search Ads ParameterBranch Mapped Field

Universal Fields

The following fields are included in both keyword-level and ad-level reports:

Apple Search Ads ParameterBranch Mapped Field

Default Behavior

Since some fields are included in both keyword-level and ad-level reports, Branch prevents duplication by setting a default data source to pull from when dimensions from both types of reports are requested.

The default data source is keyword-level reports.

This means:

  • If only keyword-level (or keyword-level and universal) dimensions are pulled, then the keyword-level report is the data source.
  • If only ad-level (or ad-level and universal) dimensions are pulled, then the ad-level report is the data source.
  • If both keyword-level and ad-level (or keyword-level, ad-level, and universal) dimensions are pulled, then the keyword-level report is the data source.


Branch recommends that you set up two reports: a keyword-level report and an ad-level report, to mirror the setup of the Apple API reporting structure.

For the keyword-level report, include as many keyword-level and universal dimensions as you are interested.

For the ad-level report, include as many ad-level and universal dimensions as you are interested in.

For simplicity, avoid including exclusively keyword-level and exclusively ad-level fields in the same report.