Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Enable Engagement Builder

Enable Branch Engagement Builder to automatically upload audiences to your ad network.


By enabling Engagement Builder, Branch will be able to surface specific audiences to be used for re-engagement campaigns.

Please note that any use of imported user data to create Engagement Groups may be subject to certain limitations and restrictions imposed by those respective platforms from which the data was sourced. If you use the Engagement Builder feature, we recommend that you review the agreements you have in place with your partners to ensure you understand and can abide by, any limitations and restrictions from those platforms regarding the use of any data you import.


In order to enable Engagement Builder, you need to have completed the following:

  1. Created a Branch Dashboard.
  2. Enabled Universal Ads and Engagement Builder for your Branch account.
    • Enterprise clients should contact their account manager to schedule deployment
  3. Implemented the Branch SDK into your mobile app (iOS | Android)
  4. Logged into the Branch Dashboard with the Engagement Builder Permission enabled.

Enable Engagement Builder

1. Create an Engagement Group

In the Branch Dashboard, navigate to the Engagement Builder screen, and click the blue New Group button.


2. Define Rules

Rules allow you to select users based on past behaviors and established attributes. Rules can be combined by using AND logic.

Select Target Platforms


Select App Version

Select Target Countries


You can select multiple from the drop-down. By default, No country restrictions is selected.

Select User Group Rules



In-App Behavior

  • Active App Users
  • Complete Event
  • Recently Installed App
  • Lapsed App Users


  • Abandoned Cart
  • Purchasers
  • Revenue

Advertising Exposure

  • Advertising Partner
  • Clicked Adverts
  • Clicked Emails
  • Interacted with Journey
  • Organically Acquired
  • Viewed Adverts

Select Timeframe



In the last

  • 1 Day (yesterday)
  • 7 Days
  • 30 Days
  • 60 Days
  • 90 Days
  • 180 Days
  • Exactly X Days
  • Quarter to date
  • Month to date

Between dates

  • Start Date & End Date

Engagement Builder stores up to 6 months of historical data

Select Frequency

More than or equal to X times1 to 100 Integer
Less than or equal to X times1 to 100 Integer
Exactly X times1 to 100 Integer
Between X and Y times1 to 100 Integer

Once rules are defined, click Save & Go To Next Step.

3. Choose Permissions (OPTIONAL)

You can share access to this engagement group with agencies and ad partners working on this account.

To share access with third parties connected to your account, click the Select partner dropdown, and Add the agency and/or ad partner.


To be able to view, edit or download the engagement group, they will need relevant permissions enabled on their account.

4. Connect Engagement Group to an Ad Partner

Using the Select Ad Partner dropdown, select Facebook or Google Adwords, and use the Select Ad Account to find your ad account.


You can continue to use the AND logic to add both Facebook and Google Adwords.



Custom Audience Terms

To upload the data to Facebook, please agree to the Facebook Custom Audience Terms at<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>

For Facebook, you must do the following if you already had Facebook integrated with Branch:

  1. Navigate to your Facebook Settings in the Branch Dashboard
  2. Hover over the cog icon, and click Reauthenticate
    • Note: This will cause a slight discrepancy in the Branch Dashboard as it reestablishes its connection to Facebook.

Google Adwords

For Google Adwords, you must do the following:

  1. Reach out to your Google Ads account manager to enable and use Customer Match.
  2. Agree to the additional permissions (if applicable) when prompted before being able to integrate your engagement group with Google.

5. Select Scheduling

Choose how often your engagement group should update. “One-time” creates an export file just once, while daily will automatically refresh the segment based on users that start or stop meeting your criteria.

To choose how often your engagement group is updated:

  1. Select either One-time or Refresh Daily.
  • One-time - The engagement group is generated once, and not scheduled to refresh.
  • Refresh Daily - The engagement group is re-generated every 24 hours.
  1. Once done defining the rule, click Save & Go To Next Step.

You can have up to 10 engagement groups set to actively generate engagement group data.

6. Set Engagement Group Name

Name your Engagement group and provide a description to help remind you and any members of your team why you created it.


7. Confirm Your Engagement Group

Click Save & Build Engagement Group once you've reviewed your settings. If you find something doesn't look quite right, you can use the left hand navigation to go back and make changes to any step.