Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Analyze QR Code Performance

View key metrics related to your QR Codes.


The Branch Dashboard can help you generate and view reports for your QR Code campaigns. Similar to how other Branch reporting works, QR Codes Analytics allows you to measure important metrics to help marketers make data-driven campaign decisions. Specific to QR Codes, you can view, compare, and filter your campaigns by:

Link TitleThe title of your QR Code
ScansNumber of times users scanned on a Branch link, or on an ad where Branch can fetch click data from a third party (e.g. Facebook ads)

Analyze QR Code Performance


The Performance table allows you to view your QR Codes campaign performance through customizable tables with download capabilities.


The Trends graph allows you to view your QR Codes campaign performance through robust charts.


More Reporting

QR Codes reports are similar to other Branch Dashboard reports. To learn more, view our guide here.