Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Engagement Builder

Build audiences within Branch used to enhance your campaign performance.


Re-targeting is key to re-engaging lapsed users, increasing propensity to purchase and increasing sessions per user.

Engagement Builder is designed to help you conduct precision retargeting and re-engagement campaigns to drive an even higher return on advertising spend. Using our simple yet precise rule system, you can easily arrange users into engagement groups (i.e. audiences) based on their past purchases, advertising exposure, and in-app behavior.

Engagement groups are shared automatically with advertising partners and agencies, or added directly to campaigns on advertising platforms.

How does it work?

  1. Branch connects with your ad network through Engagement Builder.
  2. Engagement groups are created in the Branch Dashboard defined by specific rules (platform, country, app version etc.) and permissions.
  3. Engagement groups that meet the criteria will be compiled together to be used for re-engagement campaigns


iOS Devices

Given Engagement Builder's prominent feature of producing a list of device identifiers for retargeting, results of queries will be dependent upon user opt-ins to sharing their device data through Apple's AppTrackingTransparency framework.

For additional information on changes post iOS 14.5, visit our FAQ Pages

Data Availability

Engagement Builder only supports audiences of up to 6 months of data.

Facebook Data

Facebook ad interactions are not eligible to be leveraged as signals to add users to audience lists, as would otherwise happen when setting up audience lists with the “Clicked Advert” or “Viewed Advert” criteria options.

This restriction is enforced to align with Meta's guidance about how to best protect the privacy of Meta users.