Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase


Manage links at scale and access link insights through enhanced reporting.


Branch gives you access to all sorts of different types of links to be used in various campaigns and use cases. As campaign requirements become more diverse and complex, managing links and uncovering insights can be challenging in the mobile measurement ecosystem. With Branch's LinkHub, you will be able to build, manage, and deploy links at scale through a dedicated interface on the Branch Dashboard. Additionally, LinkHub provides enhanced governance and reporting on your Branch Links with templating capabilities, export access, and fast search/filters.

Enabling LinkHub is as simple as toggling the Switch to upgraded Quick Links manager switch in the Quick Links screen of the Branch Dashboard.


The LinkHub Manager allows you to easily organize and view all of your Branch Quick Links and Ad Links. Here you'll be able to search/filter, export, bulk publish, and access quick analytics of your Branch Links.

Link Creation

You can create Branch Links directly through LinkHub, and you should see a similar interface to how you were generating Branch Links in the Dashboard already. For full guides on creating Branch Links, please refer to the following:

Search & Filters

In the LinkHub Manager, you can easily find the links you need using the search bar to search by title/URL. You can also apply the following filters to make your organization easier:

ArchivedFilter for only archived/deleted Branch Links.
UniqueFilter for showing analytics unique to a user. For example: if 1 user clicks 100 times, it will count as 1. There is no concept of "unique revenue"; "revenue" is always the sum of all purchase events.
Link Analytics WindowFilter to only show Branch Links with attribution in a specific window.
Link Created WindowFilter to only show Branch Links created within a specific window.
CampaignFilter for specific campaign names. Dropdown options are set when you create the Branch Link.
FeatureFilter for specific feature names. Dropdown options are set when you create the Branch Link.
ChannelFilter for specific channel names. Dropdown options are set when you create the Branch Link.
TagsFilter for specific tags. Dropdown options are set when you create the Branch Link.

Bulk Link Tools

When you click the Create Bulk Links button, you will be prompted to select a Link Template to create bulk links. Once you select, you can begin creating standardized links in bulk, and once you're done, you can copy and/or export all links.

When using any bulk actions like bulk link creation, all of your links associated with the bulk action will be under the one Collection. You'll be able to:

  • Add/Edit LInks in bulk
  • CSV Export
  • QR Code - Export basic black/white QR codes per link
  • Archive
  • Delete


LinkHub Manager allows you to easily view your Branch Link performance through a report similar to Branch's Events/Performance Table. It has the same column customizability and sorting for your measurement but specific to your Ad Links and Quick Links.


Link Templates are a way to apply specific standardizations to Branch Links you create on the Dashboard. View our full guide on Link Templates here.