Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Google Marketing Platform


Branch can be used together with Google Marketing Platform app conversion ads, allowing you to track ad-driven app conversion (installs and in-app events) on the Branch dashboard.

Please make sure to use Google Marketing Platform in your Branch dashboard and not Doubleclick which is the legacy integration and does not include server-side attribution responses.

By connecting your Google Marketing Platform and Branch accounts, the following is enabled:

  • App conversion data collected by the Branch SDK sent to Google Marketing Platform for attribution.
  • Read-only access to app conversion data (not cost/click/impression data) from Google Marketing Platform Ads in your Branch account.




  • To track conversions from Google Marketing Platform Ads you should integrate the Branch SDK into your app, and/or if you are using S2S, ensure that advertising ID's are being passed to Branch.

Configure Branch as App Analytics Partner in Google Marketing Platform


Required Before Enabling Integration in Branch

Check with your Google representative for a guide provided by their team to configure Branch as an App Analytics Partner and generate a link ID for the iOS and Android versions of your app.

Enable Google Marketing Platform in Branch


Sending App Conversions

Completing this section will result in Branch sending app conversion to Google in order to attribute them back to Google Marketing Platform campaigns.

  1. Navigate to the Partner Management tab and search for Google Marketing Platform.

  2. Provide the Link IDs for your Android/iOS apps respectively.

  1. Click Save and Enable.

Creating a Google Marketing Platform Ads Campaign

Please follow Google's documentation on how to set up a Campaign.

Data Mapping between Google Marketing Platform & Branch

Branch maps the following data fields from the Google Marketing Platform to Branch.

Google Marketing PlatformBranch DataPossible Values
n/a~advertising_partner_name“Google Marketing Platform”
product_type~channelThis field reports the product that is responsible for the conversions, either “DBM” or “DCM”.
creative_id~creative_idThe numeric ID of the creative ad unit that produced the ad event. This value is guaranteed unique. When product is DBM, this field represents the DBM Creative ID. When product is DCM, this field represents the DCM Creative ID.
placement_id~secondary_publisherThe ID of the placement tag that calls an ad server for ad content when users visit a site. DCM serves ads when users visit a site with DCM placement tags. DCM generates a unique tag for each placement in an ad campaign. This value is only provided when product is DCM.
placement_name~placementThe name of the placement tag that calls an ad server for ad content when users visit a site. DCM serves ads when users visit a site with DCM placement tags. DCM generates a unique tag for each placement in an ad campaign. This value is only provided when product is DCM.
line_item_id~ad_idLine items in DBM can be used for targeting, bidding and assigning creatives. This is the ID of the line item that produced the ad event. This value is guaranteed unique within the DBM universe. This value is only provided when product is DBM
line_item_name~ad_nameName of the line items in DBM that produced the ad event. This value is only provided when product is DBM.

Forwarding Events to Google Marketing Platform

Once you begin tracking events through the Branch SDK, we will start sending them to the Google Marketing Platform.

Branch will forward in-app events to the Google Marketing Platform for campaign optimization. In addition, Branch will receive attribution data for rich analysis in the Branch dashboard.


Sending Custom Events

GMP supports up to 10 custom events in the following format: custom, custom_1, custom_2, custom_3, custom_4, custom_5, custom_6, custom_7, custom_8, custom_9

When creating these custom events, you must click the pencil icon in order to create the new event.

Branch Event NameGoogle Marketing Platform Conversion Type

In order to track these events, please refer to the v2 Event document for further information.