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Creatives Optimization

Creatives Optimization allows you to easily visualize A/B performance for a specific Journey.


Creatives Optimization is a tab in the Branch Dashboard related to Journeys. With it, you can measure the performance of your web-to-app banner campaigns to better understand their effectiveness. You'll be able to understand which creative drove the most conversions and leverage these insights to make more informed decisions around Journeys A/B testing. More specifically, Creatives Optimization will unlock the following features:

  • Easily increase the % of views for the higher converting creative.
  • Gain a historical understanding of the A/B test since the experiment started.
  • See a simplified data view to better understand the performance of multiple creatives with a Journey.

Initializing Creatives Optimization

Before analyzing A/B test performance, you must first have an active Journeys campaign with multiple creatives active. If you do not have one created yet, create a new Journey in the Branch Dashboard.

Additional details on creating Journeys banners/interstitials can be viewed in the guide here.

Measuring Performance

Once your Journeys campaign is launched and users are downloading your app from the original banner/interstitial, you'll be able to measure the performance of your A/B test in the Creatives Optimization screen of the Branch Dashboard. For each Journeys campaign active with multiple creatives, you'll be able to see its performance here from its last updated date.


Performance StatDefinition
Creative NameThe name of the creative.
AudienceThe percentage of your audience targeted with a creative.
Unique UsersThe number of unique users that have viewed a creative.
InstallsThe number of installs attributed to a creative.
Conversion RateThe average conversion rate you can expect from a creative.
Probability to be BestChances that a creative would perform better than others.
Last Updated DateRefers to the last time there was a change to the Journey that affected the experiment. Examples include changing the audience percentages or updating the design of a creative.

When looking at the performance, you can see which creative is likely to be the better performing one over time through the PROBABILITY TO BE BEST column. From here, you can adjust the percentages for your A/B test directly below it.