Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

SKAdNetwork Data

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) provides campaign measurement in detail through specific data/fields available for reporting.

Postback Data Tiers

Tier 0

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Postback 1

  • source-identifier
  • source-identifier
  • coarse-conversion-value
  • source-identifier
  • conversion-value
  • source-identifier
  • conversion-value
  • source-app-id or source-domain

Postback 2 + 3


  • source-identifier
  • coarse-conversion-value
  • source-identifier
  • coarse-conversion-value
  • source-identifier
  • coarse-conversion-value

Postback Measurement Windows

Window Spans
Postback 1Days 0-2
Postback 2Days 3-7
Postback 3Days 8-35



Returned by Apple Postback

General and Last Attributed Touch Data fields do not come from the Apple Postback for SKAdNetwork.

General Fields

idvarcharSKadNetwork Message ID, unique ID created by Branch for every postback received.e92eb789-2e93-4ada-91d4-b758a900cb2eSKAN 3+
timestampbigintTimestamp representing when Branch received the postback from the ad network.1620415056299SKAN 3+
invalid_reasonvarcharReason Branch marks postback from ad network invalid. Only available for skadnetwork-invalid-messages.INVALID_SIGNATURESKAN 3+
app_idbigintBranch App ID.638469555697504342SKAN 3+
organization_idbigintBranch Organization ID.862418696042206147SKAN 3+
annotation_dollar_3pvarcharBranch 3p value of the ad network that sent the postback.a_tiktok_adsSKAN 3+
annotation_conversion_value_mapped_valuevarcharMapped value of the conversion value received (as set in the Branch Dashboard).COMPLETE_REGISTRATIONSKAN 3+
annotation_customer_event_aliasvarcharMapped value of the customer event aliasPurchase1SKAN 3+
annotation_revenue_lowervarcharMapped value of the lower revenue value received.5.0SKAN 3+
annotation_revenue_uppervarcharMapped value of the upper revenue value received.20.0SKAN 3+

Last Attributed Touch Data Fields

last_attributed_touch_data_tilde_ad_set_idvarcharAd set ID - Optional field supplied by some ad partners.bd7ffd1c-53de-498d-981c-57912fc6de91SKAN 3+
last_attributed_touch_data_tilde_campaign_idvarcharCampaign ID (non-Apple ID) - Optional field supplied by some ad partners.64d02bc0-f4d4-41ff-a93e-1e20f8d7f345SKAN 3+
last_attributed_touch_data_tilde_campaignvarcharCampaign Name - Optional field supplied by some ad partners.IOS14_Campaign_Male(18-30)_FantouSKAN 3+

Body Fields

All of the body fields come from the Apple Postback for SKAdNetwork except for the following field(s):

  • body_source_domain
body_transaction_idvarcharA unique value for this validation; use for deduplicating install [and probably conversion] validation messages. This is part of the postback from Apple.38b64295-0875-4d2e-868a-3969e2fc8e1eSKAN 3+
body_versionvarcharThe version of the SKAdNetwork API being used by the publisher app.2.0SKAN 2+
body_ad_network_idvarcharID of the attributed ad network on the postback. This ID is assigned by Apple when an ad network registers for SKAdNetwork.424m5lk.skadnetworkSKAN 3+
body_campaign_idintegerCampaign ID which will be a number from 1-100.47SKAN 3+
body_app_idbigintThe advertiser app ID - App Store ID.1350133141SKAN 3+
body_attribution_signaturevarcharApple’s attribution signature in install/conversion postbacks, that is used to verify the validity of the postback.MDUCGec/xnWx==SKAN 3+
body_redownloadbooleanIf false, the postback represents an install If true, the postack represents a reinstall.falseSKAN 3+
body_source_app_idbigintThe publisher app ID - App Store ID. This may be not included by Apple if number of postbacks do not reach a certain threshold.447188370SKAN 3+
body_conversion_valueintegerConversion value (0-63) on the postback, which represents a post-install action. The highest conversion value that the end user performed in during the timer will be reflected. This may be not included by Apple if number of postbacks do not reach a certain threshold.15SKAN 3+
body_fidelity_typeintegerIf 1, this represents a Store-Kit rendered ad (App Store product page, rendered by Store Kit) If 0, this represents a "View-Through" ad (Custom, provided by ad network).1SKAN 3+
body_did_winbooleanIf it is true, that will signify that the partner won the claim.trueSKAN 3+
body_postback_sequence_indexintegerEnables marketers to easily distinguish between postbacks 1, 2, and 3. The possible integer values of 0, 1, and 2 signify the order of postbacks that result from the three conversion windows. For more information, see Receiving postbacks in multiple conversion windows.1SKAN 4+
body_source_identifierstringThe hierarchical source identifier, with 2 or 4 digits (depending on the postback value).12SKAN 3+
body_coarse_conversion_valuestringA coarse value, if the app provides one.lowSKAN 4+
body_source_domainFor attributable web ads.Ad set name - Optional field supplied by some ad partners. Does not come from the Apple Postback.IOS14-Install-Male(18+)SKAN 3+