Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Apple Search Ads


Branch can help track your Apple Search Ads campaigns by fetching the Apple Search Ads Attribution API. You can then use the parameters you've set in the Apple Search Ads dashboard, parameters such as the campaign name, and take special action in your app after an install, or simply track the effectiveness of a campaign in the Branch dashboard, along with your other Branch statistics, such as total installs, referrals, and app link statistics.

SDK Set Up

Update the Branch SDK to iOS v1.39.0+. The new SDK will automatically retrieve a token on your behalf, our servers will use that token to call the Apple Search Ads Attribution API.
Note: If you are using Cocoapods, you need to manually import AdServices Framework


AdServices Framework

On SDK v1.39.1+, we recommend you import AdServices Framework to leverage the Apple Ads Attribution API.

Server to Sever Setup

  • For S2S integrations, you will need to retrieve the new token and send to Branch on the install as apple_attribution_token This is necessary only if you send installs S2S. No need to complete this step in case installs are recorded by Branch iOS SDK.

Please refer to the new AdServices developer documentation on how to retrieve the token.

  1. Import AdServices.framework
  2. Request attribution token (see sample code). This should be available from Apple within 50ms.
  3. The token has a 24 hr TTL, so send to Branch within that time in order to use it for attribution.

See sample code for obtaining the Apple Attribution token:

func appleAttributionToken() -> String? {
        if #available(iOS 14.3, *) {
            return try? AAAttribution.attributionToken()
        return nil
+ (NSString *)appleAttributionToken {
    if (@available(iOS 14.3, *)) {
        NSError *error;
        NSString *appleAttributionToken = [AAAttribution attributionTokenWithError:&error];
        if (!error) {
            return appleAttributionToken;
    return nil;

Cost Data Setup

  1. Navigate to the partner management tab and search for Apple Search Ads
  2. Click Sign in With Apple

  1. Sign in with your Apple account. Once signed in, accept permissions and select Grant Access


Limited Access Permission

In order to set up Cost Data, you cannot select Limited Access. Select either Account Read Only or Account Read & Write.

  1. On the Branch Dashboard, select the relevant ad accounts

  1. Hit Save


Cost Data Support


Agency-Managed Campaigns

Apple Search Ads Data Mapped to Branch

Branch receives and maps the following parameters from the Apple Search Ads Attribution API:

Apple Search Ads ParameterBranch Mapped Field

View Attribution on Dashboard

All the attribution can be visible on the Branch Dashboard summary page. All installs and opens registered from this channel will automatically be tagged with the channel: Apple App Store and the Ad Partner: Apple Search Ads. The campaign will be set to the Campaign Name you've configured in the Apple Search Ads dashboard.

  • Installs might not be accurate, but installs + open events should match what Apple Search Ads reports.
  • Due to API limitations, it may take up to 30 days for full attribution of a device.

Note that these stats are limited to the date range at the top of the page. You can expand the range if you'd like.


Attribution Windows

Attribution windows can be specified at the global account level or on a per link basis with the link level window taking priority.

Please see our guide on Attribution Windows.

Keyword ID

With the new framework, keywordId is also passed to Branch , and you may use that in your Compare Bys to measure your campaign performance.

This is also available in Branch's Query API in the last_attributed_touch_data_tilde_keyword_id field in all EO topics.

Keyword Name and Ad Set Name

With the new framework, Branch is now able to retrieve keyword names and Ad set names for Apple Search Campaigns, and you may use that in your Compare Bys to measure your campaign performance.

Integration Support

Install discrepancies when compared with Apple Search Ads dashboard

There are a few possible causes of discrepancies with Apple Search Ads. Due to the low customizability of Apple Search Ads' attribution settings, discrepancies are often higher on Apple Search Ads than other platforms, even though performance may be solid and reporting may be working as expected. The best way to attempt reconciliation with ASA installs and Branch is to look at 'New Download' counts, but subtract the percentage of LAT on users found by grouping LAT on/off in reporting. This will give an estimate of new downloads with LAT off, while Branch reports first opens from those downloads.

  • Time zones. Ensure your Apple Search Ads time zone (in Settings > Overview > Account Information ) matches your Branch Dashboard time zone (visible under Account Settings).
  • Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) On. Apple Search Ads doesn't report installs to third parties if the user has Limit Ad Tracking. However, the Apple Search Ads dashboard shows all installs by default, regardless of limit ad tracking state. If the newer framework is properly set up, attribution will still be provided for LAT-on or ATT opted-out users and this will not be a source of discrepancy, but if the new framework is not set up properly this may still cause a difference in numbers.
  • Attribution Windows. Apple Search Ads attributes all installs within 30 days of an Apple Search Ads click to itself. Branch's default click to install attribution window is 7 days. You can modify Branch's click to install window. You can modify your Apple Search Ads attribution windows in Branch.
  • Last-click attribution. Apple Search Ads attributes all installs within 30 days of an Apple Search Ads click to itself. Branch will attribute to the last click within its attribution windows, which can often be a different source than Apple Search Ads.
  • Reinstalls. Apple Search Ads' dashboard shows reinstalls as conversions in its default view, but Branch calls these installs "REINSTALLS." In the Apple dashboard, select New Downloads or Redownloads in the column selector to align data.
  • Attribution API timeouts or delays. Apple Search Ads Attribution API can be slow to respond. Although customers can edit the timeout, the default Branch timeout in the code above is just over 1 second. If Apple Search Ads responds after this timeout, Branch will not attribute the install to Apple Search Ads.
  • Opens vs. installs. Branch considers the first open to be the install. Apple Search Ads considers the time that the user downloaded the app to be an install. This can cause discrepancies in counts and date of install.

Adding deep linking to Apple Search Ads

Since this integration doesn't utilize Branch links, options for deep linking are limited. We'll pass back the value you use for campaign in the Apple Search Ads dashboard. Since this value is controlled by you, you can put anything there, but it will reflect on the Branch dashboard. We will track installs regularly.

Installs or conversion events appearing without keywords in Branch dashboard

There are Keyword and Search Match match sources for Apple Search Ads. The Search Match feature automatically matches your ad to relevant user searches on the App Store, rather than a rubric of preassigned keywords. Installs attributed to Search Matches do not have keywords associated with them. Search Match can be enabled & disabled at the Ad Group level in the Apple Search Ads dashboard.

Using TestFlight app or Developer App

If you are using the new ASA framework and are debugging or testing your app using the TestFlight app or developer app, Apple Search Ads returns dummy values of test campaign data with Campaign ID as 1234567890 which will be visible in the Branch Dashboard. Please ensure to filter it out when looking at your ASA attributed campaign data in the Dashboard.


If you ever need to restart your integration with Apple Search Ads, you must do so by clicking the Reset Settings button in the Apple Search Ads settings in the Branch Dashboard. Clicking the Disable button at the bottom will not reset your integration.