Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Deep Link Data Options

Deep Link Data Key Values

$deeplink_pathSet the deep link path for all platforms so you don't have to enable it by platform. When the Branch SDK receives a link with this parameter set, it will automatically load the custom URI path contained within.
$ios_deeplink_pathSet the deep link path for iOS apps. When the Branch SDK receives a link with this parameter set, it will automatically load the custom iOS URI path contained within.
$android_deeplink_pathSet the deep link path for Android apps. When the Branch SDK receives a link with this parameter set, it will automatically load the custom Android URI path contained within.
$desktop_deeplink_pathSet the deep link path for Desktop apps. You will have to fetch this parameter and route the user accordingly.
$click_install_window_daysTime between a click and an install or reinstall.
$click_session_start_window_daysTime between a click and an open or web session start.
$click_conversion_window_daysTime between a click and a conversion event. Conversion events include commerce events (e.g. purchase, add to cart), all custom events, and all view events like pageviews & content views. (i.e.,$click_session_start_window_days=30).
$impression_install_window_daysTime between an ad impression and an install or reinstall. (i.e.,$impression_install_window_days=3).
$impression_session_start_window_daysTime between an ad impression and an open or web session start. (i.e.,$impression_session_start_window_days=1).
$impression_conversion_window_daysTime between an ad impression and a conversion event. Conversion events include commerce events (e.g. purchase, add to cart), all custom events, and all view events like pageviews & content views. (i.e.,$impression_session_start_window_days=7).
$fallback_urlChange the redirect endpoint for all platforms so you don't have to enable it by platform. Note that Branch will forward all robots to this URL, which overrides any OG tags entered in the link. System-wide Default URL (set in Link Settings).
$ipad_urlChange the redirect endpoint for iPads $ios_url value.
$samsung_urlRedirect to Samsung Galaxy Store on Samsung devices. Only link level control. Format should be
$huawei_urlRedirect to the Huawei App Gallery on Huawei devices. Format should follow Huawei's App Linking Guide.
$windows_phone_urlChange the redirect endpoint for Windows OS Windows Phone default URL (set in Link Settings).
$blackberry_urlChange the redirect endpoint for Blackberry OS BlackBerry default URL (set in Link Settings).
$fire_urlChange the redirect endpoint for Amazon Fire OS Fire default URL (set in Link Settings).
$ios_wechat_urlChange the redirect endpoint for WeChat on iOS devices $ios_url value.
$android_wechat_urlChange the redirect endpoint for WeChat on Android devices $android_url value.
$web_onlyForce to open the $fallback_url instead of the app.
$uri_redirect_modeAllows you to control how and when Branch uses URI schemes to open your app.
$ios_uri_redirect_modeAllows you to control how and when Branch uses URI schemes to open your app on IOS.
$android_uri_redirect_modeAllows you to control how and when Branch uses URI schemes to open your app on Android.
$match_durationLets you control the snapshotting match timeout (the time that a click will wait for an app open to match), also known as attribution window. Specified in seconds.
$always_deeplinkSet to false to make links always fall back to your mobile site. Does not apply to Universal Links or Android App Links.
$ios_redirect_timeoutControl the timeout that the client-side JS waits after trying to open up the app before redirecting to the App Store. Specified in milliseconds.
$android_redirect_timeoutControl the timeout that the client-side JS waits after trying to open up the app before redirecting to the Play Store. Specified in milliseconds.
$deeplink_no_attributionSet to true for the links to only support deep linking without any attribution for that link. For paid ads (ex. SANs) and non-ad links (ex. Quick Link, Email, Journeys).

Note: Using $deeplink_no_attribution will lose all link metrics when set to true on your Branch Link.
$publicly_indexableCannot modify here. Needs to be set by the Branch Universal Object.
$canonical_identifierThis is the unique identifier for content that will help Branch dedupe across many instances of the same thing. Suitable options: a website with pathing, or a database with identifiers for entities.
$content_typeThis is a label for the type of content present. Apple recommends that you use uniform type identifier as described here.
$do_not_processThis will prevent click tracking and storage of link analytics. Deep link data will still flow into the app from link click to app open.
$ios_passive_deepviewThe name of the template to use for iOS.
$ios_nativelinkSet to true to make links route to a NativeLink™ used for enabling deferred deep linking on iOS 15+ & Private Relay
$android_passive_deepviewThe name of the template to use for Android.
$og_image_widthSet the image's width in pixels for social media displays.
$og_image_heightSet the image's height in pixels for social media displays.
$og_videoSet a video as it will be seen in social media displays.
$og_urlSet the base URL of the link as it will be seen in social media displays.
$og_typeSet the type of custom card format link as it will be seen in social media displays. Don't set this property when sharing deep links on Facebook.
$og_redirect(Advanced, not recommended) Set a custom URL that we redirect the social media robots to in order to retrieve all the appropriate tags.
$twitter_cardSet the Twitter card type of the link (e.g. player) (you must allowlist your deep link with the Twitter Card Validator).
$twitter_siteSet the site for Twitter.
$twitter_app_countrySet the app country for the app card.
$twitter_playerSet the video player's URL. Defaults to the value of $og_video.
$twitter_player_widthSet the player's width in pixels.
$twitter_player_heightSet the player's height in pixels.
$custom_meta_tagsValid stringified JSON dictionary of the tags’ keys and values. Example: "{"twitter:player:stream": "[\"}\](\"}\)"
$mobile_web_onlyIf set to true, then open web on mobile but open the app on desktop
$desktop_web_onlyIf set to true, then open web on desktop but open app on mobile
$canonical_urlThe corresponding web URL for the in-app content
$exp_dateExpiry date for the content and any associated link data. Represented as UTC epoch millisecond.