Preparing for iOS 14.5 Release
What actions do Branch customers need to take to prepare for iOS 14?
What happens if I do not make any updates to prepare for iOS 14?
Will Google do the same thing on Android by removing the GAID?
What's the difference between device-level and aggregate data?
Do these privacy changes also impact tvOS, iPadOS, and macOS?
Complying with Apple's Policy
Are organic/earned channels under the scope of Apple's new policy?
Will Apple further tighten their policy language to prohibit measurement of earned/owned channels?
What counts as an 'ad' and 'tracking' under Apple's policy language?
Is tracking web-to-app ad conversions, such as affiliate networks, still allowed?
Can't we just use Branch tracking links in our ads and still get device-level data?
How are boosted organic links treated? Are they subject to the ATT prompt?
Can we use solutions like OneTrust to get user-level opt-in instead of ATT?
Is it a violation of Apple's policy to use the Branch SDK without ATT opt-in?
How do I answer the App Store Connect Privacy Questions ("Nutrition Labels")?
Branch iOS 14 Product Details (General)
Under Apple's new policy, what attribution methods will Branch use, and when?
What impact will this have on non-ads parts of the Branch platform?
Can I still track conversions through Quick Links with iOS 14?
What happens after users opt in via the AppTrackingTransparency modal?
Does the Branch SDK automatically trigger the AppTrackingTransparency prompt?
What happened to Predictive Modeling? In which situations is it still an advantage?
How is Branch's Predictive Modeling different from what other MMPs offer?
What impact will this have on Branch's deep linking accuracy?
Will Branch still be able to offer deterministic deep link matching on iOS?
How do we handle GDPR compliance without IDFAs to request data deletion?
How will Branch determine whether or not the user has opted into ATT?
Will Branch still send event postbacks to ad networks for users who don't opt in under ATT?
After iOS 14.5, what is the expected Branch functionality by link type?
How do we configure a non-Ads link to use Branch's ATT-compliant behavior?
Why did Branch remove the Organic checkbox from some dashboard pages?
Branch iOS 14 Product Details (SKAdNetwork)
How do I change the length of the Branch SDK's default conversion-value update window?
Can we use server-to-server and CDP-synced events for SKAdNetwork conversion values?
Will traffic from Branch's Custom Partners feature be subject to device-level limitations?
Does Branch support the new view-through functionality in SKAdNetwork 2.2?
Will Branch be supporting additional conversion-value mapping strategies in future?
We don't want to authenticate for SKAN via App Store Connect. Is there another option?
Can we connect more than one App Store app to a single Branch dashboard for SKAN data?
What is the minimum Branch SDK version required for SKAN support?
Are there any risks or downsides to enabling the SKAN functionality on the Branch dashboard?
Can we connect more than one Branch dashboard to a single App Store app for SKAN data?
Is data available in the Branch SKAdNetwork dashboard retroactively?
Why don’t Opens and other down-funnel events show up in the Branch SKAdNetwork dashboard?
Can we remove our App Store Connect info from the Branch dashboard after authentication?
Can we use customer event aliases for SKAN conversion value mapping?
Will users who opt IN via AppTrackingTransparency also still be tracked via SKAdNetwork?
If a user already has the app, will I receive SKAdNetwork conversion data?
What is the best way to implement SKAdNetwork? What are the pros and cons of each?
What happens if the advertiser app integrates multiple SDKs that all support SKAdNetwork?
What happens if a user keeps doing in-app actions that extend the SKAdNetwork looping timer?
Does SKAdNetwork require a value for the conversion-value parameter?
Does SKAdNetwork provide any attribution for owned & organic installs?
In the SKAdNetwork postback, what are 'transaction-id' and 'attribution-signature'?
Who defines the conversion-values values? How is it determined which value will be sent back?
If a customer installs and purchases, how many postbacks will the advertiser get from Apple?
What are some best practices for our SKAdNetwork conversion-value strategy?
With SKAdNetwork, how can we determine which creative is driving the most conversions?
Does the app need be active in order for SKAdNetwork postbacks?
Does the app need be active in order for SKAdNetwork to update conversion values?
Why does SKAdNetwork limit view-through impressions to 15 per app? What does that mean?
Why is SKAdNetwork data delayed? What are the looping timers?
Do we need to be a Ads subscriber to access Branch's SKAN functionality?
With SKAdNetwork, are the install and conversion-value in the same postback or separate postbacks?
SKAdNetwork Troubleshooting
How can I test SKAN once I have updated the iOS SDK and Branch dashboard configuration?
I don't see SKAdNetwork campaign data in the Branch Sources dashboard
I'm not seeing my event metadata in the Branch SKAdNetwork dashboard
I updated my app for SKAdNetwork, but I do not see my test data in the Branch dashboard
I'm seeing far fewer conversions than expected after updating my app for SKAdNetwork
Why are my SKAN reinstall numbers so much higher than Branch usually shows?
Does the Branch SDK trigger the AppTrackingTransparency prompt?
Is implementing the AppTrackingTransparency prompt mandatory for use of Branch?
What is Branch's recommendation on implementing the AppTrackingTransparency prompt?
What code do I need to add to show the AppTrackingTransparency prompt?
Can I choose when to show the AppTrackingTransparency modal to the user?
How can we optimize our AppTrackingTransparency opt-in rate?
Is it possible to only surface the ATT prompt to users coming from paid ads?
If the user declines the ATT prompt, can we send them to Settings to change it later?
Does Apple have any restrictions on how/when we display the ATT prompt?
Do we need to show the ATT prompt to all iOS users, or only users on iOS 14.5+?
Private Click Measurement (PCM)
What is PCM (Private Click Measurement) and what does it mean for mobile marketing?
What is Facebook's Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM) and how is it different from Apple's PCM?
Google & iOS 14
What does Google's iOS 14 stance mean for Branch advertisers?
Do apps have to use the Firebase SDK for Google's SKAN support?
Why is ACe called out specifically as being significantly impacted?
What's the difference between Google's 'modeled conversions' and Branch's Predictive Modeling?
Will Google show the ATT prompt and provide device-level data for users that opt in?
Does Branch support in-app conversion postbacks to ads via GBRAID?
Is there currently any way to access SKAdNetwork data for Google campaigns?
How will DoubleClick and DV360 campaigns be measured after ATT enforcement?
Facebook & iOS 14
Does Facebook require a separate ad account for iOS 14 campaigns?
Will Facebook pass SKAdNetwork data back to MMPs (including Branch)?
We have both Facebook and Branch SDKs integrated. Which should we use for SKAdNetwork?
Why does Facebook recommend not updating SKAdNetwork conversion-values after 24 hours?
Will Facebook show the ATT prompt and provide device-level data for users that opt in?
What event names will Facebook receive from Branch via the Conversion Bit Schema API?
Does a user have to opt in to ATT via both the Facebook and Instagram apps?
What changes is Facebook making to web campaign measurement?
How do we set up the Facebook SKAN Conversion Bit Schema integration with Branch?
Is Facebook planning to share SKAN conversion values with MMPs?
Is Facebook's maximum of 8 conversion events only for web campaigns, or also for SKAdNetwork?
We get a connection error when entering our Branch conversion schema URL on the Facebook dashboard
I don't see the Facebook conversion value schema endpoint in my Branch dashboard. Why not?
Snap & iOS 14
Will I need to change my campaign setup to maximize my performance on Snap?
What can I do today to prepare my Snap campaigns as I await more tactical campaign updates?
Will Snap show the ATT prompt and provide device-level data for users that opt in?
What event names will Snap receive from Branch via the Conversion Bit Schema API?
Why does Snap recommend not updating SKAdNetwork conversion-values after 24 hours?
Apple Search Ads & iOS 14
When will the Branch SDK be updated to use the new AdServices API for Apple Search Ads?
How will Apple Search Ads work on iOS 14? Will they use SKAdNetwork?
Will Branch still show keyword-level breakdowns of Apple Search Ads data?