Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

What attribution windows does SKAdNetwork use?

Apple has provided the following details about attribution windows on this page. Note that none of these can be customized.

EventTime Window
Ad network presents a StoreKit-rendered adUser has 30 days to install the app.
Ad network presents a view-through adUser has 24 hours to install the app.
User installs the appUser has 60 days to launch the app.
User launches the app and app calls registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution()Device sends install-validation postback 0-24 hours after a 24-hour timer expires.
User launches the app and app calls updateConversionValue(_:)Device sends install-validation postback 0-24 hours after a 24-hour timer expires following the final call to updateConversionValue(_:).

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