What are Snap's plans for iOS 14 changes?
Snap is using SKAdNetwork for iOS 14 measurement, and has completed testing with Branch. Here is a summary of the latest iOS 14 details from Snap:
Snap is forwarding SKAdNetwork postbacks directly to the Branch system. This is unique among SAN networks (most are simply sharing aggregate totals with MMPs via API), and means Branch can process, validate, and share SKAdNetwork insights directly with our mutual customers rather than relying on pre-aggregated ad network numbers.
Branch has set up an API endpoint for Snap to pull SKAdNetwork conversion-value mappings for mutual customers. The conversion-value parameter is the only signal SKAdNetwork provides into post-install user activity, which makes it vital for campaign performance optimizations. Branch provides a dashboard tool that customers can use to map existing Branch events to SKAdNetwork conversion-values. Uniquely to the Snap integration, we additionally use the Snap-specific event mappings under Partner Management → Event Config to ensure Snap receives the correct Snap event types.
Snap will show the AppTrackingTransparency prompt to users. This means that device-level data will continue to be available in addition to SKAdNetwork data for users that opt in on both sides.
Updated about 4 years ago