This endpoint is used retrieve the deep link url details based on the provided parameter
The deep link url against which the details are to be fetched.
The Branch key of the originating app; from your Branch Settings Dashboard
Deep link channel
Deep link feature set
Campaig name
Social media tags
Use channel to tag the route that your link reaches users. For example, tag links with 'Facebook' or 'LinkedIn' to help track clicks and installs through those paths separately
Deep link URL
Deep link URL
Change the redirect endpoint for all platforms - so you don't have to enable it by platform. Note that Branch will forward all robots to this URL, which overrides any OG tags entered in the link. System-wide Default URL (set in Link Settings)
Deep link identity ID
Deep link URL ID
Change the redirect endpoint for all platforms based on a lower-case Alpha-2 country code.
Redirect URL for desktop devices - mobile users will default to the app store.
Change the redirect endpoint for iOS App Store page for your app (set in Link Settings)
Change the redirect endpoint for iOS based on a lower-case Alpha-2 country code. For example, $ios_url_de="..." would redirect Germany deep link clicks.
Change the redirect endpoint for iPads $ios_url value
Change the redirect endpoint for Android Play Store page for your app (set in Link Settings)
Change the redirect endpoint for Android based on a lower-case Alpha-2 country code. For example, $android_url_de="..." would redirect Germany deep link clicks.
Redirect to Samsung Galaxy Store on Samsung devices. Only link level control. Format should be{PACKAGE_NAME_HERE}
Redirect to the Huawei App Gallery on Huawei devices. Only link level control. Format should be{HUAWEI_APP_GALLERY_ID_HERE}
Change the redirect endpoint for Windows OS Windows Phone default URL (set in Link Settings)
Change the redirect endpoint for Blackberry OS BlackBerry default URL (set in Link Settings) Deep link channel
Change the redirect endpoint for Amazon Fire OS Fire default URL (set in Link Settings)
Change the redirect endpoint for WeChat on iOS devices $ios_url value
Change the redirect endpoint for WeChat on Android devices $android_url value
Force to open the $fallback_url instead of the app
Force to open the $windows_desktop_url, $mac_desktop_url, $desktop_url, or $fallback_url in this order of precedence instead of the app
Force to open the$ios_url, $android_url, or $fallback_url in this order of precefdence instead of the app
When a user returns to the browser after going to the app, take them to this URL. iOS only; Android coming soon
When a user on desktop returns to the desktop browser after going to the desktop app, take them to this URL.
This is the url set against the identifier.
The value of the deep link path that you would like us to append to your URI.
Set the title of the Deep Link as it will be seen in social media displays.
Set the description of the Deep Link as it will be seen in social media displays.
Set the image of the Deep Link as it will be seen in social media displays.
Instead of our standard encoded short url, you can specify the vanity alias. For example, instead of a random string of characters/integers, you can set the vanity alias as
Set type to 1, to make the URL a one-time use URL. It won't deep link after 1 successful deep link. Default is set to 0, which is the standard Branch links created via our SDK.git
In seconds. Only set this key if you want to override the match duration for deep link matching. This is the time that Branch allows a click to remain outstanding and be eligible to be matched with a new app session. This is default set to 7200 (2 hours).
Authentication Failed
"{\n \"error\": {\n \"message\": \"Authentication failed !\",\n \"code\": 400\n }\n}"
Rate Limit Reached
"{\n \"error\": {\n \"code\": 429,\n \"message\": \"Rate limit reached.\"\n }\n}"