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Integrate Branch features like deep linking and attribution into your website.


Unlock the industry's most powerful deep linking and attribution functionality using the Branch Web SDK.

Why use the Branch Web SDK?

The Branch Web SDK has a number of benefits, including:

  • Access to Branch Journeys, which help move users from the web to your app.
  • Attribution capabilities that help determine whether a last touch event led to a conversion.
  • Comprehensive event data that you can view in the Branch Dashboard and utilize to help drive ad campaign optimization.

SDK Stats

SDK Size: 50kb

Speed: Median 80ms to 250ms

Open Source GitHub Repo

Sample Applications

  • Branchsters Monster Factory:
  • Set data, share, track, and create QR codes:
    • Demo
    • GitHub - to make changes:
      • Edit src/web/example.template.html locally
      • Run make
      • View example.html

Basic Integration

For steps on how to integrate the Branch Web SDK and validate your integration, visit our Basic Integration guide.

Feature Implementation

To start integrating Branch Web SDK features, visit our Advanced Features guide.

Testing and Troubleshooting

To validate your Branch Web SDK integration, visit our Testing guide. If you run into issues with your integration, check out our Troubleshooting guide.

Full Reference

To see the public methods made available by the Branch Web SDK, visit our Full Reference guide.

Recommended Next Steps