Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Summary Page Improvements

Branch has improved the default configurations for the domain-specific tabs and auto-save in the Summary page of the Branch Dashboard View 📈

Domain-Specific Defaults

The Summary Page lets you quickly view analytics for All Data or the following domains:

  • All Data
  • Journeys
  • Quick Links
  • Universal Ads
  • Universal Email

When you select one of the specific domains, you'll see an updated default configuration that better reflects that domain's important dimensions and metrics when looking at the chart and table:

DomainShowCompare ByFilter
All Datainstallscampaignfeature equals
Journeysinstallsjourney namen/a
Quick Linksinstallsfeaturen/a
Universal Adsinstallsad partner and campaigncampaign equals
Universal Emailopenscampaignn/a


Additionally, when you make changes to the page (ex. add new dimensions, compare bys, etc.), these changes will auto-save by domain. So the next time you visit the report, you'll be greeted with the metrics you already care about.


Ready to learn more about the Summary Page? View our guide here: