By passing in the appropriate options, you can initiate an export of your aggregate Branch data.
app_id | Unique identifier for Branch app of requested data.
Access-Token | Key that encapsulates the users permission w.r.t an org. Obtained from the Branch Dashboard needed for authentication.
The maximum number of results to return.
Format of returned data. json or csv
The start of the interval time range represented as an ISO-8601 complete date.
The end of the interval time range represented as an ISO-8601 complete date.
A string value representing the data source. See Topics for complete list.
An array representing dimension(s) to group by. Limit is 11. See Dimensions for complete list.
The time granularity that each band value will represent.
How to count events towards the final result count. When querying with a data source of "eo_commerce_event", the aggregation may also be specified as "revenue", in which case the counts returned are the sum of revenue from matching events, and not the number of events themselves.
If true, then Branch will de-dupe unattributed installs caused by duplicate events from non-opt-in users coming from paid ads (result from iOS 14.5 privacy changes).
Keys are same as dimensions. Values are an array of values to match for the dimension.
An object defining filters to match or disallow certain values.
The name of the event, such as "CLICK", "INSTALL", "PURCHASE" or custom event names like "UpdateSettings". Set either by the client (e.g. custom events) or automatically server side. See events for Standard Events enum.
Unique identifier for Branch app of requested data.
The name of your Branch App
Whether the event originated with a Branch SDK/API call, or was sent by Segment or mParticle. Set automatically server side.
Unix timestamp in milliseconds for the event. Set automatically server side.
True if the current app or web session resulted in the user being deep linked. Set automatically server side.
True if the last attributed touch originated on desktop and the user continued through to mobile via Text Me The App. Set automatically server side.
Whether the event is attributed. This will always be accompanied by last_attributed_touch_type and last_attributed_touch_data. Set automatically server side.
Operating System (OS) of the device where the event occurred. Note that robots include web and app robots for easy filtering. Specified by the client.
Language specified in the user_agent string (or in some cases other headers), Specified by the client.
Convenience dimension that allows users to easily see web vs app, desktop vs mobile, and iOS vs Android vs other. Derived from information specified by the client.
Runtime environment where the event occurred, which can distinguish between e.g. full app vs instant app. Specified by the client.
DMA code, derived from IP address. Set automatically server side.
Country code, derived from IP address. Set automatically server side.
Country, derived from user agent string or request body field. Specified by the client.
Consumer Protection Preference level.
Human-readable region, derived from IP address. Set automatically server side.
Boolean for whether the second OPEN can be infered as INSTALL after opt-in. If set, the event can be considered as our synthetic OPEN generated by api-open by inspecting incoming event paramters with persona data. If the event is not considered as the second OPEN, the flag is not present. Only available for iOS14.5 or higher
Current authorization status of opt-in flag for iOS14.5 or higher traffic. The flag is sent directly from the SDK.
Whether the last attributed touch was an impression, a click, or a web to app auto redirect. Set automatically server side.
Campaign (name) specified for the last attributed touch. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Campaign ID specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Channel specified for the last attributed touch. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Feature specified for the last attributed touch. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Stage specified for the last attributed touch. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Tags specified for the last attributed touch. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Human-readable advertising partner name specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
ID for the advertising partner specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side OR specified by the client, for now, specific to partners migrating from TUNE.
Secondary publisher specified for the last attributed touch. Passed by the ad network.
Creative name specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Creative ID specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Ad set name specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Ad set ID specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Ad name specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Ad ID specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Keyword specified for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Keyword ID for the last attributed touch. Set automatically server side.
Placement of the last touch, as set with an analytics tag. Actual app or website the ad appears on display campaigns.
Agency of the last touch, as set with an analytics tag. Agency that runs ad campaigns on behalf of advertiser.
ID of agency of the last touch, as set with an analytics tag. Agency that runs ad campaigns on behalf of advertiser.
Customer secondary publisher.
Customer ad set name.
Customer ad name.
Customer keyword.
Customer placement.
Customer sub site name.
Customer campaign.
Marketing title of the Branch Link.
The third party that was part of the last touch.
Branch feature (determined by Branch) of the current touch. Set automatically server side.
All Branch features (determined by Branch) which were determined, via attribution, to have led to this event. For example, if an email link click leads to a Journey which leads to the app, the published eo_open will have +via_features: [EMAIL, JOURNEYS]. set automatically server side.
Set if an event originated with a touch on Google AMP or Facebook Instant Article. Specified by the client.
Audience rule id for a Journey. Set automatically server side.
"View Name" or "title" for a branch view / template. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Branch View ID for a Journey. Set automatically server side.
Campaign (name) specified for the last Branch CTA view. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Campaign id specified for the last Branch CTA view. Set automatically server side.
Channel specified for the last Branch CTA view. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Feature specified for the last Branch CTA view. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Stage specified for the last Branch CTA view. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Tags specified for the last Branch CTA view. Can be specified on links by the client, or prefilled automatically server side in some cases.
Human-readable advertising partner name specified for the last Branch CTA view. Set automatically server side.
Secondary publisher specified for the last Branch CTA view. Passed by the ad network.
Creative name specified for the last Branch CTA view. Set automatically server side.
Creative ID specified for the last Branch CTA view. Set automatically server side.
Ad set name specified for the last Branch CTA view. Set automatically server side.
Ad Set ID specified for the last Branch CTA view. Set automatically server side.
Ad name specified for the last Branch CTA view. Set automatically server side.
Ad ID specified for the last Branch CTA view. Set automatically server side.
All Branch features (determined by Branch) which were determined, via attribution, to have led to this event. For example, if an email link click leads to a Journeys CTA view, the published eo_branch_cta_view will have +via_features: [EMAIL, JOURNEYS]. set automatically server side.
Advertising partner short-code (e.g. e_rs) specified for the last Branch CTA view. Specified by the client.
Set if an event originated with a Branch CTA view on Google AMP or Facebook Instant Article. Specified by the client.
SKAdNetwork ad network ID. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork campaign ID. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork App ID. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork redownload status. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork source app ID. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork conversion value. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD creative name. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD ad set name. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD creative ID. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD ad set ID. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD ad name. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD ad iD. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD campaign ID. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD campaign name. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork LATD campaign. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork annotation 3p shortcode. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork annotation conversion value mapped value. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork annotation conversion value revision. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork annotation campaign ID mapped value. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork annotation campaign ID revision. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork annotation source app ID mapped value. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork annotation source app ID. Set server side.
SKAdNetwork annotation customer event alias. Set server side.
Number of days between when the last touch occurred and when this event subsequently occurred. Set automatically server side.
Number of days between when the last Branch CTA view occurred and when this event subsequently occurred. sSet automatically server side.
Iterate over content_items and aggregate the category
from each product. Specified by the client.
If this is the first time for this persona that this event has been triggered. Set automatically server side.
Customers can specify that an event of type "purchase" should have name "buy20tokens". customer_event_alias captures this name, which is additional information. For most events this is likely unnecessary.
Status of aggregate export
"{\n \"code\": 200,\n \"job_id\": \"XXXX-0000-xxxx\",\n \"status_url\": \"{JOB_ID_HERE}\"\n}"
The unique ID of the request. This is used in the Export Download Status request.
The URL of the export request.
Authentication Failed
"{\n \"error\": {\n \"message\": \"Authentication failed !\",\n \"code\": 400\n }\n}"
Internal Server Error
"{\n \"error\": {\n \"message\": \"Our product is failing to serve your request at this moment. Please try again later.\",\n \"code\": 500\n }\n}"