Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Pull aggregate-level data using up to 11 dimensions.


The Branch Aggregate API allows you to programmatically query and export aggregate analytics.


With the Aggregate API, you can:

  • Give access to agencies and ad networks to pull aggregate data themselves. Learn more about user permissions and granting access to filtered data.
  • Give Facebook Marketing Partners (FMP) some visibility through aggregate data.


Max Number of Records Returned50,000

Branch may define dynamic record limits based on organization_id or app_id.
Export WindowRolling 2 year window.
Max Number of Dimensions11 dimensions.
Max Number of Days Queried7 days.
Rate Limits2 requests per second.
5 requests per minute.
150 requests per hour.


SANs cost/click/impression (CCI) data is not available via the Aggregate API.

Instead, use the Query API and the xx_impression field for getting aggregated data of impressions for SANs.

Try It!

Try out the Aggregate API in your browser, using your Branch data:

Request Aggregate Export

Export Download Status

Getting Started


In order to use the Aggregate API, you first need to:

  1. Create a Branch Dashboard.
  2. Enable Universal Ads and start running ad campaigns from your Branch account.
  3. Implement the appropriate Branch SDK into your mobile app (iOS | Android).
  4. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions set on your user account. See the Access section for more.


General Access

To access the Aggregate API, a user must have the Aggregate Data Access Level enabled on their account.

Agency Access

If you work with an agency that runs your advertising campaigns and want to give them access to export Aggregate API data, you can assign their account(s) the Aggregate Data Access Level as well.

To provide an agency team member with access to the Aggregate API:

  1. In the left-hand navigation, under Setup & Testing, click on Account Settings.
  2. On the Account Settings page, click on the Agencies tab.
  3. Expand the agency in question, find the agency team member you want to give access to, hover on the button in the Actions column and click Edit.
  4. In the Edit Agency Team Member modal:
    1. Under Access Level, check the Export box.
    2. Under Permissions, check the Aggregate Data box.
  5. Optional: add data filters
    1. Under Data Filters, toggle any necessary data filters on/blue. Exported data will be filtered accordingly.
  6. Click Save.


Agency-Tagged Data

If you do not enable the Only Show Agency-Tagged Data data filter, the Agency Team Member will be able to export aggregate data associated with all of your campaigns, regardless if they are associated with them or not.


Calls to the Async Aggregate API require an api_key query string parameter to be passed with each request. API keys are generated on a per-user basis and are permanent.

Learn how to retrieve your API key (also known as access_token).

NOTE: In order to retrieve or reset your API key/access token, you must have Organizational Level access to the Branch account. This functionality is not present at the App Level.


Request Aggregate Export

Request Info

Export Request

POST /v2/analytics
Content-Type: application/json

Request Headers

Access-TokenKey that encapsulates the user's permission with regards to an organization. Obtained from the Branch Dashboard. Needed for authentication.Yes

Request Query Parameters

organization_id or app_idUnique identifier for app/organization of requested data.Yes
limitThe maximum number of results to return.

Default: 50000
Min: 50000
Max: 50000 (unless a higher limit is specified)
formatFormat of returned data. Defaults to CSV.No

Request Body Parameters

start_dateThe start of the interval time range represented as an ISO-8601 complete date.Yes
end_dateThe end of the interval time range represented as an ISO-8601 complete date.Yes
data_sourceA string value representing the data source.

See topics section for complete list.
dimensionsAn array representing dimension(s) to group by.

Limit is 11.

See dimensions section for complete list.

NOTE: If you are querying skadnetwork-valid-messages, be sure to set aggregation to total_count.
filtersKeys are same as dimensions. Values are an array of values to match for the dimension.

An object defining filters to match or disallow certain values.
granularityThe time granularity that each band value will represent.

Granularity levels:
- day
- week
- month

Default: day

NOTE: Do not add timestamp to dimensions field when setting granularity to day. Instead, add name to the dimensions field.
aggregationHow to count events towards the final result count.

Aggregation options:
- unique_count
- total_count
- revenue
- cost
- cost-in-local-currency

Default: total_count

NOTE: When querying with a data source of eo_commerce_event, the aggregation may also be specified as revenue, in which case the counts returned are the sum of revenue from matching events, and not the number of events themselves.
enable_install_calculationIf true, then Branch will de-dupe unattributed installs caused by duplicate events from non-opt-in users coming from paid ads (result from iOS 14.5 privacy changes).

Default: false

Response Info

Response Body Parameters

codeThe response code. Can be 200, 400, or 500.
job_idThe unique ID of the request. This is used in the Export Download Status request.
status_urlThe URL of the export request.

Example Request & Response

curl --request POST \
     --url '{organization_id}&limit=5000&format=json' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Access-Token: api_org_9999999999999999999999999999' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "start_date": "2021-12-12",
     "end_date": "2021-12-18",
     "data_source": "eo_install",
     "dimensions": [
     "filters": {
          "attributed": "true",
          "user_data_os": [
     "enable_install_recalculation": true,
     "granularity": "day",
     "aggregation": "total_count"
    "code": 200,
    "job_id": "8a2514d5-9035-445f-b42a-948112aeb807",
    "status_url": ""

Export Download Status

Request Info

Export Request

GET /v2/analytics/{job_id}
Accept: application/json

Request Headers

Access-TokenKey that encapsulates the user's permission with regards to an organization. Obtained from the Branch Dashboard. Needed for authentication.Yes

Request Path Parameters

job_idThe unique ID of the request. Obtained from the Export RequestYes

Request Query Parameters

organization_id or app_idUnique identifier for app/organization of requested data.Yes
limitThe maximum number of results to return.

Default: 50000
Min: 50000
Max: 50000 (unless a higher limit is specified)
formatFormat of returned data. Defaults to CSV.No

Response Info

Response Body Parameters

codeThe response code.
statusThe status of the original request by job_id.
response_urlThe URL of your request for download.

Example Request & Response

curl --request GET \
     --url '{job_id}?organization_id=787326553414456146&limit=5000&format=json' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Access-Token: api_org_99999999999999999999'
    "code": 200,
    "status": "FINISHED",
    "response_url": ""



Filters work based on AND at the top level. Each dimension can have multiple or filters e.g. { user_data_os": ["IOS", "ANDROID"] }.


  // Fraud topics:

