Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase


Enable InMobi with Branch to power your mobile attribution.



InMobi is the world's leading Marketing Cloud. Our mobile data and technology platforms help global brands understand and engage connected consumers.

Partner Capabilities



Company Type

  • Ad Network
  • DSP

Deep Linking



  • Click-Through Attribution
  • View-Through Attribution

Ad Campaign Types

  • Acquisition campaigns
  • Retargeting campaigns

Ad Formats

  • Banner
  • Interstitial

Click Types

  • Client-side click
  • Server-side click

Supported Platforms

  • iOS
  • Android

Link Wrapping

Not Supported

Cost Ingestion Support


Cost Ingestion Types

  • Click/impression tracking link
  • API

Pricing Models

  • CPC
  • CPM


In order to enable InMobi, you need to have completed the following:

  1. Created a Branch Dashboard.
  2. Enabled Universal Ads for your Branch account.
  3. Implemented the Branch SDK into your mobile app (iOS | Android)
  4. Running campaigns through InMobi.

Enable InMobi

1. Enable InMobi in Branch

In the Branch Dashboard under Ads > Partner Management, find/search for InMobi. If you're already logged into the Branch Dashboard, you can also click here to go there directly.

You'll need to input your iOS Property ID and your Android Property ID. Please reach out to your InMobi Account Manager for details.

Click the Save & Enable button.

2. Configure Postbacks

Enabling InMobi will automatically enable the following postbacks:

  • OPEN

You can configure these postbacks or add more under the Postback Config tab.

Send All Events

Optionally, you can check the checkbox for a given postback for sending all events. When checked, all events will be sent regardless of attribution. Otherwise, the postback will only fire for events attributed to InMobi.

Adding Postbacks

Click the Add New Postback button at the bottom of the screen. A modal will appear that will allow you to select an event that you are tracking with the Branch SDKs (including Custom Events).

For more in-depth postback configurations, view our guides:

3. Configure Attribution Windows

After configuring your events, navigate to the Attribution Windows tab to set windows by attribution type.

Recommended Attribution Windows

Attribution TypeWindow
click to session start90 days
click to install30 days
click to conversion event90 days
impression to session start1 day
impression to install1 day
impression to conversion event.1 day

4. Create Branch Ad Link

Next, you'll need to create a Branch Ad Link for your InMobi campaigns in order for Branch to properly attribute conversions.

The Branch Ad Link you create will be placed in your InMobi campaign.

5. Verify Data in Branch

After launching your InMobi campaigns, and conversions begin to happen, you'll want to verify data is being sent from Branch to InMobi. You can look at the Branch Dashboard's Liveview Webhook Records and apply the following filter:

ad partner (3p)equalsa_inmobi

Once applied, data should flow through the Liveview, and you can see the data being sent to InMobi from Branch.