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Android SDK

SDK Stats

Open Source Github Repo:

SDK Size: 187kb

Speed: Median 80ms to 250ms

Minimum OS Version: API Level 21+

Android Demo App

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Basic Integration

Integrating the Branch Android SDK is required for the following features:

  • Ads
  • Email
  • Journeys

Advanced Features

On top of the basic integration, you can implement the following features:

  • Create Content reference
  • Create deep link
  • Share deep link
  • Read deep link
  • Navigate to content
  • Display content
  • Track content
  • Track users
  • Handle push notifications
  • Handle links in your own app
  • Enable 100% matching
  • Enable/Disable User Tracking


Test your Branch integration before your app goes live.


Running into issues? Browse our troubleshooting section to find a solution.

Version History

View past versions of the Branch SDK for Android including changes.

Full Reference

The information presented here serves as a reference manual for our Android SDK.

Recommended Next Steps