Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase


Enable Amazon with Branch to power your measurement and attribution


Amazon Mobile Ad Network enables advertisers to reach Amazon customers on high-quality 3rd party apps on Kindle Fire, Android, and iOS (iPhone, iPad) devices. Using the same techniques that drive advertising on, our Mobile Ad Network offers you more options to extend the reach of your campaign, without compromising the quality of your audience.

Partner Capabilities

Partner CapabilitiesDetails
CTV/OTTAmazon Fire Device Inventory
Measurement & AttributionAllows Amazon to measure and optimize campaign performance for any post-install event
DSP SupportFire TV and Android Mobile
Trafficking & ActivationFast Setup: Standardized Trackers with no validation required
ReportingEnabled Amazon reporting on creative level performance at the post-install level
Automated AudiencesEnables AI-optimized audiences that leverage Branch events.


In order to enable Amazon for your Branch account, you need to have completed the following:

  1. Created a Branch Dashboard.
  2. Have Branch's Performance product enabled for your Branch Account.
  3. Implemented the Branch SDK into your mobile app (iOS | Android)
    1. Track events
  4. Admin access to your Amazon Account.

Enable Amazon

1. Connect Amazon in Branch

  • Visit the Ads page on the Branch Dashboard. In the Branch Dashboard, visit Ads > Partner Management
  • Find/Search for Amazon.
  • Select Amazon, and click the Save & Enable button.

2. Configure Postbacks

After connecting Amazon to Branch, navigate to the Postback Config tab. When a conversion/event attributed to an ad campaign occurs, Branch notifies the Ad partner of these events via postbacks which are turned on when you enable any Universal Ads integrated partner (Postback Config tab of the ad partner)

Basic postbacks will automatically be activated for the INSTALL event when you enable your ad partner.



For more details on configuring Postbacks, view our guides:

3. Configure Attribution Windows

After configuring postbacks, navigate to the Attribution Windows tab to set windows by attribution type.

You can use custom attribution windows to match Amazon's attribution windows. This overrides your app-level attribution windows.

4. Connect Branch in Amazon & Create Campaign

Unlike other non-Self Attributing Networks, Amazon does not require you to create a Branch Ad Link for Amazon campaigns. The Amazon platform will store the Branch domain so when you create an Amazon Ad Campaign, the Amazon platform will dynamically populate generic links per advertiser per campaign utilizing macros.

Obtain your Branch Key

In the Branch Dashboard, navigate to the Account Settings page. Use this to copy to your Branch Key.

Enable Branch in Amazon

When you are ready to create your Amazon Ad Campaign, select Branch in the Third part measurement field.

You will also need to input your Branch Key from the previous step into both the MMP Impression Tracking URL and MMP Click Tracking URL fields as a query parameter value for the branch_key key.

Amazon will use this to generate a generic Branch Link. Once generated, copy and paste these links in your campaigns.

5. Verify Data Sent

Once the above steps are complete, you are ready to start launching campaigns. Branch-attributed conversions enabled as postbacks will be sent to Amazon if they were the last touch that drove the conversion.

To verify data is being sent from Branch to Amazon, you can look at the Branch Dashboard's Liveview Webhook Records, and apply the following filter:

ad partner (3p)equalsa_amazon