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Discrepancies with Impressions and Clicks with Facebook


Clicks vs Link Clicks

Please be aware that Branch receives Link Clicks from Facebook via API. This click count differs from the click count found in Facebook which includes other sources of clicks.

1. I don't see any clicks or installs on the Branch Dashboard

First, be sure you've set up the Facebook integration! Work through these steps and ensure you reach the bottom. You should have at least one ad account enabled, and a Facebook app id listed.

Second, make sure you're running ads that are resulting in installs, reinstalls, or opens. Once you see installs, you should shortly start seeing clicks. For more, see the next FAQ item.

If you're unable to see installs, reinstalls, or opens on the Branch Dashboard, skip down to the section below: I don't see any installs, reinstalls or opens on the Branch Dashboard.

2. I see installs on the Facebook Dashboard, but no clicks


Showing Impressions & Clicks

Branch will only show impressions and clicks for campaigns that have installs, reinstalls, or opens. If you have campaigns that have not resulted in these app-based outcomes, we will hide them. This is to prevent massively inflating analytics on the Branch Dashboard with data that is not relevant.

If you turned on the integration within the last hour, then you may need to refresh the Branch Dashboard to see clicks. We automatically start a background job to pull in impressions and clicks from Facebook the first time you visit the Ads Analytics page after enabling Facebook.

3. I see clicks on the Branch Dashboard, but the numbers look different from what I see on the Facebook Dashboard.

If you are looking at impressions/clicks for the current day:

If the numbers line up pretty closely between Branch and Facebook, then it's possible the Facebook numbers are slightly more recent. The Facebook Insights API refreshes every 15 minutes. Branch tries to pull updated numbers as often as possible.

If the numbers do not line up closely, but you recently started a new campaign, it may be that Branch has not yet pulled in data for that campaign. The numbers should line up much more closely within an hour.

If you are looking at impressions/clicks for a past day:

When you initially enable the Facebook integration, then visit the Ads Analytics page, Branch will start fetching impressions and clicks for the most recent several days. If you go back beyond 7 days, we may not have impressions and click data.