1. I don't see any installs, reinstalls or opens on the Branch Dashboard
First, be sure you've set up the Facebook integration! Work through these steps and ensure you reach the bottom. You should have at least one ad account enabled, and a Facebook app id listed.
Second, make sure you're running ads that are resulting in installs, reinstalls, or opens.
Third, on the Facebook Dashboard, locate a campaign with installs, reinstalls, or opens. Determine the ad account id for which you are running an app campaign. Then navigate to the Facebook page under Partner Management and make sure that ad account id is listed as part of the completed signup process.
Fourth, make sure you have installs, reinstalls, or opens that have occurred after you enabled the Branch + Facebook integration. We cannot pull historical device-level data, as that's not how the Facebook APIs are architected. You should enable Branch + Facebook, wait for new installs to occur, then check the Ads Analytics page.
2. I see installs, reinstalls or opens on the Branch Dashboard, but the numbers look different from what I see on the Facebook Dashboard
If you've made it this far, the integration between Branch + Facebook is at least somewhat functional! Time to identify why numbers are not lining up.
Try comparing (1) just installs, and (2) just for one campaign. On the Branch Ads Analytics page, you can view data for just one campaign by choosing "Add Filter", selecting "campaign" from the first dropdown, and the individual campaign name from the second dropdown. Again, try to get numbers to line up between Facebook and Branch just for installs on one campaign.
First, make sure the attribution windows line up between Facebook and Branch. You can read more on this above.
Second, make sure the timezones line up between Facebook and Branch. You can read more on this above.
Note that attribution windows are not applied to events that occurred in the past. So if you have a 30-day attribution window for click-to-install on Branch, and a 7-day window for clicks on Facebook, once you change the Branch click-to-install attribution window to 7 days, it will not automatically update historical numbers. Instead, you'll need to wait for new installs to occur under the stricter 7-day Branch click-to-install attribution window. The next day you should be able to come back and look at just the current day's install numbers, and they should line up more closely.
Campaigns Using the Same Name
In some rare cases, we've seen partners running multiple Facebook campaigns with the same name. In this case, the Branch Dashboard will combine stats for all of these campaigns under the same name. We still retain this data separately on our backend, as there are different Facebook campaign ids. While we do not expose this on the Branch Dashboard, you can pull statistics by campaign id via the Query API.
3. I don't see any conversion events on the Branch Dashboard
Be sure you are tracking v2/events - learn more from our v2/event docs.
Be sure you are opting to send conversion events to Facebook - learn more from the section Facebook MMP event options above.
Be reasonably confident that users coming from Facebook ads are completing conversion events. If you have, for example, only a small percentage of users completing purchases, and only a small percentage of users downloading your app from Facebook, it's possible that there is no overlap between users making purchases and users coming from Facebook.
4. I see conversion events on the Branch Dashboard, but the numbers look different from what I see on the Facebook Dashboard
We have not encountered any issues here so far. Please see I see installs, reinstalls or opens on the Branch Dashboard, but the numbers look different from what I see on the Facebook Dashboard for steps to follow, and for information to send to us if we need to debug together.
No IP Allowlists
Because Branch has a large distribution of API servers that will be making requests to Facebook on behalf of your app, you cannot have an IP allowlist in your Facebook advanced settings and still have this integration work. Please remove any IPs from this setting if they are present.