There are 3 main ingredients to the Branch permissions systems: Entities, Access Levels and Roles.
Branch’s permission system allows you to control access with a high degree of precision. We support an exceptional level of customization of permissions. However, in most cases, you will be able to configure user access very simply. A users ultimate level of access is usually determined by two key factors:
Their Role a.k.a. "Access Level"
Their Entity (which will determine whether they can access data belonging to an App, Organization or shared with an Agency)
This article covers Roles/Access Levels. For more information on Entity Views, see this dedicated article.
You can assign a user a set Role to determine their levels of access and control. We offer 4 template Roles: Admin, Team Member, Full Read, Limited Read, and User Coordinator. You can also create your own custom role. Each role comes with a bundle of Permissions (explained later) which will affect how the user may view, edit, and export data.
At a high level, this is how the different roles/access levels are recommended to be used:
Role/Access Level | Main Permissions Granted | Best Used For |
Admin |
Team Member |
Full Read |
Limited Read |
User Coordinator |
Under the hood, each of the four default Roles/Access Levels is defined by a number of different Permissions. Understanding Permissions will be important if you decide you need to create Custom roles. Review the section below to understand Permissions.
Access Levels
Every feature in Branch is associated with a combination of “Permissions”. To see, edit, or export data from a feature, a user needs to have been granted all of the Permissions associated with that feature. For example, there is a Permission that relates to “exporting” and another which relates to “sensitive data”, such as device IDs. If a user wants to be able to export device IDs from our Custom Exports feature, they would need to have both of these Permissions enabled on their individual user profile.
There are 7 different Permissions which an individual user can be assigned. These will determine whether a user can view, edit, and/or export data for specific elements within the Branch dashboard. Most Permissions can be granted as either “View” or “Edit”.
Link Level: Settings or features that can impact functionality for single links require this Access Level. This is mostly related to the Ad Links and Quick Links configuration pages. Link Level is available as either a “View only” or “Edit”.
Channel Level: Settings or features that can impact functionality across a marketing channel, such as paid advertising, or across entire Branch features which an app is using, such as Journeys, Text Me The App or Deep Views, require this Access Level. Channel Level is required to access ad partner management settings, and postback configurations, which can be used to send log-level data to ad partners. Channel Level is available as either a “View only” or “Edit”.
App Level: Settings or features that can impact functionality app-wide require this Access Level. For example, this includes the Billing, single sign on (SSO), and API settings for an individual app. App Level is available as either a “View only” or “Edit”.
Aggregate Data: Mostly used for reporting. With the Aggregate Data Access Level, a user will be able to see summary information such as clicks, installs and other events over time. Aggregate Data does not contain granular information, such as device IDs or log level events.
Sensitive Data: Branch reserves a special control for data that can contain user-identifying, payment-related, or secret information. This enables you to impose stricter controls over actions such as the export of Device IDs, which may require different handling for privacy and security reasons.
Fraud Settings & Data: Branch’s advanced Fraud rules are calibrated to detect and block fraud before you are billed for fraudulent installs by bad actors. Changes to these rules will increase or decrease your tolerance for potential fraud, and should be handled with due care. The Fraud Settings & Data Access Level is available as either a “View only” or “Edit”.
Engagement Builder: Branch's Engagement feature is designed to help marketers conduct precision retargeting and re-engagement campaigns to drive even higher return on advertising spend. Using our simple yet precise rule system, clients can easily segment users into engagement groups based on their past purchases, advertising exposure, and in-app behavior. The Engagement Builder is available as either a “View only” or “Edit”.
Export: Allows users to export data from pages they can view. The Export Access Level is frequently needed in combination with either Aggregate Data or Sensitive Data to move data from the system.
How Roles and Access Levels Are Related
Under the hood, each of the four default Roles/Access Levels is defined by a number of different Permissions. The table below shows the Permissions assigned to each role by default.
Role/Access Level | App Level | Channel Level | Link Level | Aggregate Data | Sensitive Data | Fraud Settings & Data | Engagement Builder | Export |
Admin | Edit | Edit | Edit | View | View | Edit | Edit | Yes |
Team Member | View | Edit | Edit | View | Edit | |||
Full Read | View | View | View | View | View | |||
Limited Read | View | |||||||
User Coordinator |
**If a box is blank, the user does not have access to see/edit the information, data, or have the option to export.
Which Features Does A Role Gain Access To?
Every feature in Branch requires different Permissions to interact with it. The below table shows the required Permissions needed for each Feature. For Example, to access the Summary page a user must have the Aggregate Data Permissions. You can also see whether a user with a default Role (Admin, Team Member, Full Read, or Limited Read) is entitled to View or Edit that feature. In the case of the Summary page, you can see that because all Roles come with the Aggregate Data Access Level, all Roles have View access to the Summary Page.
Page | Required Permissions | Default Profiles for Viewing | Default Profiles for Editing |
Summary | Aggregate Data | All | |
Ads - Analytics | Aggregate Data | All | |
Ads - Partner Management |
| Admin, | Admin, |
Ads - Links | Link Level, Channel Level | Admin, | Admin, |
Ads - Fraud | Aggregate Data, | Admin | Admin |
Journeys - Activity | Aggregate Data, | Admin, | Admin, |
Journeys - Manager | Channel Level, | Admin, | Admin, |
Journeys - Cohorts | Channel Level, | Admin, | Admin, |
QR Code - Manager | App Level, Link Level Must have "Restrict link creation and editing to templates" disabled | ||
QR Code - Analytics | App Level, Link Level Must have "Restrict link creation and editing to templates" disabled | ||
Email - Activity | Aggregate Data | All | |
Email - Cohorts | Aggregate Data | All | |
Email - Manager | Channel Level | Admin, | Admin, |
Quick Links | Link Level, Aggregate Data | Admin, | Admin, |
Referrals This has been deprecated | Aggregate Data | All | Admin |
Sources | Aggregate Data | All | |
Engagement | Engagement BuilderSensitive Data & | Admin, | Admin, Team Member |
Data Feeds - Manager | Channel Level | Admin, | Admin, |
Data Feeds - Data Integrations | Channel Level, Sensitive Data | Admin | Admin |
Data Feeds - Webhooks | Channel Level, Sensitive Data | Admin | Admin |
Data Export/CSV Exports | Sensitive Data, | Admin | Admin |
Daily Exports | Sensitive Data, | Admin | Admin |
Custom Exports | Sensitive Data, | Admin | Admin |
Custom Export API via Account Settings | App Level | All | |
Configuration - General | App Level | Admin, | Admin |
Configuration - Attribution | App Level | Admin, | Admin |
Configuration - Deepviews | App Level, | Admin, | Admin |
Configuration - Desktop SMS | App Level, | Admin, | Admin |
Account Settings - Profile | App Level | Admin, | Admin |
Account Settings - User | None | All | All |
Account Settings - Billing | App Level | Admin, | Admin |
Account Settings - Team | App Level, | Admin, User Coordinator* | Admin, User Coordinator* |
Account Settings - Agencies | App Level, | Admin | Admin |
Account Settings - SSO | App Level | Admin, | Admin |
Integration Status | Link Level | Admin, | |
Test Devices | App Level | Admin, | Admin |
Liveview | Sensitive Data | Admin | Admin |
Note: User Coordinators have access to Account Settings - Team and Account Settings - Agencies, without gaining access to any other features which are controlled by App Level or Sensitive Data permissions.