We allow you to grant agencies access to your account. Agencies have their own entity view, which limits them to what they can see/do within the Branch dashboard. This guide will walk you through how to add agencies to your account and configure access levels. Note that the following steps also apply to granting Ad Partner access.
Grant an Agency Access to Your Account
Go to the Account Settings page in the dashboard, and click to the Agencies tab. If you do not see your agency, please ask your agency to fill out the Branch Partner Form.
Click Add New Agency.
Complete the following fields:
Agency Name: Search and select the Agency you wish to add.
Selecting an Agency that is also an ad network will auto-populate the "Only show data from specific ad networks" filter to include that ad network in order to tag the events associated with the ad network are tagged with the corresponding
Access Level: Select the level of access you wish to grant the agency. By default, custom will be selected. Reference Roles to understand the various access levels.
Note: You may grant an agency the access level No Access. This access level allows you to define specific agency users that can access your account. See below for further instructions on managing individual agency user permissions.
Permissions: While permissions are auto-populated based on the Access Level you've chosen, you can change any of the Permissions as you see fit.
Export: If you wish to allow the agency to export data, you will need to grant access to both Sensitive Data and Export.
Data Filters: Define the data filter permissions you wish for the agency to have access to. You'll have the following options:
Only show agency-tagged data: When toggled on, agency users can only view data - i.e. events, engagement groups - tagged with their Agency ID. This will be enabled by default.
Restrict access to revenue data: Agency can view revenue data if sensitive data is granted.
Only show data from specific ad networks: When toggled on, agency users can only view events from a specific list of ad networks.
If you selected an agency that is also an ad network, this field should auto-populate with the ad network.
LIMITATION: If the number of one specific event in the latest 7 days is zero, the event will not be shown as an option in the ADD/REMOVE COLUMNS in the EVENTS section on the dashboard.
Only show data from specific locations: When toggled on, agency users can only view events that have taken place in a specific list of countries.
Data Filters for Ad Partners
If you're working with an Ad Partner in a paid advertising campaign and would like to grant dashboard access, the following Data Filters are recommended:
Only show agency-tagged data: Toggled off.
Restrict access to revenue data: If desired.
Only show data from specific ad networks: Toggled on, and select the specific ad network(s) to show data for.
Only show data from specific locations: If desired.
When you're done, click Invite.
Default Agency Access Level Restrictions
Due to the nature of allowing third parties access to your data - as well as what data you don't want them to access - when an Agency team member is in App view, they will not be able to access certain aspects of the Branch account regardless of the access levels applied to the user.
Agency users cannot add/remove team members to/from their customers’ dashboards.
Agency users are not allowed to reset app keys or delete apps.
Agency users are not allowed to add/remove agency access.
Agency users are allowed to create apps in the Organization view, but not stand-alone apps in the App view.
This means agencies don’t actually “own” apps; rather they’ll just be able to manage the apps of others.
Agency users do not have access to the Billing and SSO sections of their customers’ dashboards.