Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

What do the Email validation errors/warnings mean and how can I fix them?

Here's the explanation and fix for all the validation errors:

  1. iOS SDK is not integrated: This error is thrown when the Branch SDK has not been integrated into the iOS app.
    Fix: You need to set up the iOS SDK as our official documentation.
  2. iOS SDK is integrated but is not the latest version. This may affect email functionality.: This warning is thrown when the Branch SDK version on iOS is lower than the latest version.
    Fix: Update the Branch iOS SDK
  3. Android SDK is not integrated: This error is thrown when the Branch SDK has not been integrated into the Android app.
    Fix: You need to set up the Android SDK as our official documentation.
  4. Android SDK is integrated but is not the latest version. This may affect email functionality.: This warning is thrown when the Branch SDK version on Android is lower than the latest version.
    Fix: Update the Branch Android SDK
  5. Deep linking is not set up for email: The following are all the possible settings you can configure for deep linking with email. To understand each of the settings you can read our documentation here.
  6. Click tracking domain is not set: For Branch links to be generated, you would need to provide the domain of the link that would be used in the email template. To understand how to find your ESP's click tracking domain, you can read our documentation here.
  7. AASA is invalid: If you have not set up the Universal Links in the app, you'll get this error. This is mandatory for Deep Linked Emails to work on iOS.
    Fix: You can setup Universal Link by following our documentation here.
  8. CNAME points to For Branch to host your AASA file and generate SSL certificates on the link domain for the email, you are required to CNAME the domain to Before making this change, please make sure your setup requires this as some ESP have an option to upload the AASA at their end. Please verify this step in the documentation for your ESP here.
  9. SSL is not correctly set up: Once you setup the email domain on the Branch dashboard and CNAME as per the step 6, we would provide an SSL certificate to host your AASA file over HTTPS. Please contact [email protected] if you find the SSL certificate is not issued. This step is only required if error 8 is valid for your ESP.
  10. Deep link data is hosted on your website: We recommend using the Hosted Meta Data on the web pages for deep linking. This helps in auto-generating the link data for emails in the Branch links. To learn about hosting metadata for Branch, you can follow our documentation here.
  11. Revenue or custom events are tracked: This is a recommend in-app setup to track the revenue and the custom events which can be attributed to the Branch link generated in the emails.
  12. Universal/App Links are not configured: We strongly recommend setting up the Universal Links for iOS and App Links for Android to launch the app directly from the emails.