Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are a way to build pages that serve static content so that they load in Google search results much faster. Google uses AMP to quickly serve content on mobile devices without users having to click through to a website to view the content, and AMP pages often appear at the top of mobile search results.
AMP pages by design make it difficult for users to go anywhere except back to Google search, and difficult for you to convert users to your website or your app. With AMP-compatible Journeys, you can convert mobile web traffic from Google search results to your app and take advantage of extra traffic from AMP pages. Select Journeys templates can be shown on your AMP-compatible website.
To host AMP Journeys and show in Google search as an AMP page, your webpage must be AMP-compatible.
Journeys uses your alternate domain for Universal Links. Make sure you include your
domain in your Associated Domains.
Add the Branch AMP SDK to your site. The AMP SDK consists of 2-3 snippets that you can insert into your AMP page. Add the following snippet between the AMP page’s
<style amp-custom>#branch-amp-journey{bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:77px;position:fixed;}.hideme{width:100%;height:77px;left:24px;background-color:none;position:fixed;}.close{width:24px;height:100%;left:0;z-index:10000;background-color:none;position:fixed;}.branch-amp-journey-inner{position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:9999;}.donotdisplay{display:none;}</style>
Modify the following snippet by replacing
with yourxxxx.app.link
Branch link domain (do not use a custom subdomain), andBRANCH_KEY_HERE
with your Branch API key - in both theamp-list
tag and theamp-iframe
tag. You can find these in Link Settings and Account Settings.
<amp-list tabindex=0 role="" on="tap:branch-amp-journey.hide" id="branch-amp-journey" src="https://DOMAIN-HERE/branch-amp-journeys-pre?branch_key=BRANCH_KEY_HERE&__aj_cid=CLIENT_ID(_s)&__amp_viewer=VIEWER&__aj_source_url=SOURCE_URL&__aj_canonical_url=CANONICAL_URL&__aj_v=1.0.0" layout=fixed-height height="77px"><template type="amp-mustache" id="journey-template"><a class="close" on="tap:branch-amp-journey.hide"></a><div class="hideme" ></div><amp-iframe class="branch-amp-journey-inner {{do_not_display}}" layout="fixed-height" height="77px" resizable src="https://DOMAIN-HERE/branch-amp-journeys?branch_key=BRANCH_KEY_HERE&__aj_cid={{__aj_cid}}&__aj_source_url={{__aj_source_url}}&__aj_canonical_url={{__aj_canonical_url}}&_audience_rule_id={{_audience_rule_id}}&_branch_view_id={{_branch_view_id}}&__aj_v=1.0.0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin" frameborder="0"><div overflow></div></amp-iframe></template></amp-list>
From there, add the modified snippet between the
tags of your AMP page, preferably near or at the bottom.Lastly, if you do not already have the following AMP scripts on your page, add them between the AMP page's
<script async src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-list-0.1.js" custom-element="amp-list"></script><script async src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-mustache-0.1.js" custom-template="amp-mustache"></script><script async src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-iframe-0.1.js" custom-element="amp-iframe"></script>
Include canonical URL for SEO and deep linking
Google recommends that on your AMP page, you include a reference to the canonical URL of the non-AMP page with the same content. For example, you should include a tag like this in the
section of your AMP page: . This helps make your AMP page discoverable, and likely helps ensure that SEO information is shared between these two pages. Additionally, Branch automatically embeds the canonical URL in the Journey link data, leading to better identification of content and the ability to use this key for deep linking.
Create a Journey That Targets AMP Web in Your Audience
1. Select Audience
AMP Journeys can be created as part of the normal Journeys creation flow. You can target users on AMP pages by checking the box AMP Web on the Select Audience step:
Click Save & Continue to configure your Journeys template and views.
2. Configure Views
When you click Select Template from the Configure Views step, the standard bottom banner view type should already be selected. This is currently the only template supported on AMP because Google requires that banners not show in the top 75% of an AMP page.
Hover over the template and click Create.
Customize the template and click Save & Continue when you're done.
3. Validate & Test
On the Validate & Test phase, you will see AMP-specific messages if you have targeted AMP Web users on the Select Audience step.
Error Messages & Troubleshooting
The selected template is not AMP-compatible: If Branch has detected that you have selected a template that is not compatible with AMP, you will see an error on the Validate & Test step.
Reference this guide for more information on troubleshooting and error messages on Journeys.
Advanced Configurations for AMP Journeys
Targeting Audiences with a URL
With AMP, Google will serve your page from the Google AMP cache. This means that the URL that serves your AMP page will look something like https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.example.com/amp/doc.html
. However, Branch passes through your original source URL, and this is what you should use for audience targeting. For the advanced audience filter Is viewing a page URL, you'll want to use the original URL where you host the AMP page. In this example, that would be https://www.example.com/amp/doc.html
Deep linking with AMP
You can configure links with deep link data on AMP in two ways:
Add query parameters to your Branch link in the AMP SDK
Add deep link data to a Journey in the dashboard
Use $canonical_url for deep linking
AMP Journeys, along with regular Journeys and the Quick Link Creator, automatically embeds
in your link data based on meta tags on your web or AMP page. If you use this key to route to specific content in your app, you do not have to add anything extra for AMP.
Add query parameters in the AMP SDK
To deep link to specific content in your app, you can add query parameters to your Branch link within the amp-iframe
. Here is what the amp-iframe
looks like without any query parameters:
<amp-iframe class="branch-amp-journey-inner {{do_not_display}}" layout="fixed-height" height="77px" resizable src="https://DOMAIN-HERE/branch-amp-journeys?branch_key=BRANCH_KEY_HERE&__aj_cid={{__aj_cid}}&__aj_source_url={{__aj_source_url}}&__aj_canonical_url={{__aj_canonical_url}}&_audience_rule_id={{_audience_rule_id}}&_branch_view_id={{_branch_view_id}}&__aj_v=1.0.0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin" frameborder="0"><div overflow></div></amp-iframe>
If your deep linking keys were productId and category, for example, you would add &productId=1234&category=shoes
to your amp-iframe
like this:
<amp-iframe class="branch-amp-journey-inner {{do_not_display}}" layout="fixed-height" height="77px" resizable src="https://DOMAIN-HERE/branch-amp-journeys?branch_key=BRANCH_KEY_HERE&__aj_cid={{__aj_cid}}&__aj_source_url={{__aj_source_url}}&__aj_canonical_url={{__aj_canonical_url}}&_audience_rule_id={{_audience_rule_id}}&_branch_view_id={{_branch_view_id}}&__aj_v=1.0.0&productId=1234&category=shoes" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin" frameborder="0"><div overflow></div></amp-iframe>
If you are generating AMP pages programmatically, it makes sense to generate these keys as query params at the same time.
Dynamic layout customization
You can customize the appearance of a Journey dynamically using query parameters on your amp-iframe
link. These are the fields currently supported for dynamic layout customization on AMP:
Link Data Key | Value | Example |
| The call to action button when the app is currently installed |
| The call to action button when the app is not currently installed |
| This is the description or subtitle in the frame |
Add deep link data in the Journeys dashboard
You can also add deep link data to a Journey in the dashboard. In the Customize Template screen, click the button and add your key:value pairs in the deep link data fields. For example if your deep linking key was productId:
AMP Journey Limitations
Because javascript is limited on AMP and cookies are restricted on both AMP and iOS, AMP Journeys does not support all of standard Journeys functionality. The following Journeys features are affected:
Event-based audience rules work within AMP only or after a Branch link click on an AMP page. Read more.
Only templates on the bottom of the page and equal to 76px in height show on AMP.
Dismiss period is not supported - after dismiss, Journeys will show again during the next AMP session.
Client-side JavaScript controls are not supported.
Auto-opening the app with open_app: true is not supported.
Deep linking with setBranchViewData is not supported.
Branch-hosted deep link data will not be scraped.
If your site uses a template engine like Jinja that looks for and replaces liquid tags (ex: {{ yourObject }}), then you should confirm that it does not remove Branch tags on render. For Jinja specifically, you should wrap the Branch code on your AMP page with raw tags:
{% raw %}
<amp-list tabindex=0 role="" on="tap:branch-amp-journey.hide" id="branch-amp-journey" src="https://DOMAIN-HERE/branch-amp-journeys-pre?branch_key=BRANCH_KEY_HERE&_aj_cid=CLIENT_ID(_s)&_viewer=VIEWER&aj_source_url=SOURCE_URL&aj_canonical_url=CANONICAL_URL&aj_v=1.0.0" layout=fixed-height height="77px"><template type="amp-mustache" id="journey-template"><a class="close" on="tap:branch-amp-journey.hide"></a><div class="hideme" ></div><amp-iframe class="branch-amp-journey-inner do_not_display" layout="fixed-height" height="77px" resizable src="https://DOMAIN-HERE/branch-amp-journeys?branch_key=BRANCH_KEY_HERE&aj_cid=aj_cid&aj_source_url=aj_source_url&aj_canonical_url=aj_canonical_url&_audience_rule_id=_audience_rule_id&_branch_view_id=_branch_view_id&_aj_v=1.0.0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin" frameborder="0"><div overflow></div></amp-iframe></template></amp-list>
{% endraw %}
Targeting Limitations
Because cookies are restricted on both AMP and iOS, event-based audience rules on AMP Journeys are cookie-restricted. Practically, this means that targeting works only within AMP for the following rules:
Has completed event
Has visited web
Has visited the app
Has the app installed
Once a user has clicked a Branch link outside of AMP, event-based audience rules will adhere to the regular web cookie for that user, and will work across AMP and non-AMP web.
Banner Limitations
For the time being, only banners of a fixed height and placement (bottom of the page) are compatible with AMP. This includes Branch Banner Bottom, or other custom banners with page placement on the bottom of the page and height of 76px.