Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Adobe Launch Web Plugin

Adding Branch to your Launch Property will allow you to use core functionality from the Web SDK to convert web traffic to mobile traffic effortlessly.


If these steps have not been completed, please refer to Adobe Launch’s documentation. For Branch integration issues, please reach out to [email protected].

Installing the Branch Plugin

To install the Branch Plugin in your Launch Property:

  1. Log into Launch
  2. Navigate to the Extensions tab from the Property that you’d wish to install the plugin to
  3. From the Extensions tab, click on Catalog and search for Branch
  4. Push the Install button
  5. During the Installation phase, you’ll be asked to input your Branch Key
  6. Log into, click on Account Settings, click on App and copy your Branch Key into the text field.
  7. Hit the Save button
  8. Now when the Branch plugin is initialized on your Launch Property, it will be tied to your Branch App.

Initialize Branch

Before using actions related to Branch, you’ll need to initialize the plugin on your site. Best practice is to initialize Branch on DOM Ready. Here’s an example that uses the Core plugin’s DOM Ready event to initialize Branch.



The Branch initialization action does not have a configuration screen. When you add it to a rule, you’ll want to select the following options:

Extension: Branch Experiences and Measurement

Action Type: Initialize Branch

Once configured, please remember to publish your changes!

Show a Journey to Users on Your Mobile Website

Branch provides support to show a smart banner (Journey) on your mobile website. During the initialization process, Branch will fire an event to determine whether a page is eligible to display a Journey on. If it is eligible, then users on that page will see it.

There are myriad of ways that your Journey banners can be configured. To set one up, follow this guide.

Once your Journey is setup in Branch’s Dashboard and you’ve configured Branch to initialize through a rule in Adobe Launch, a Journey banner should appear on various pages of your mobile website (depending on how you’ve set up your Journey’s Audience Rules). Furthermore, a click by one of your users on the CTA button (“GET” in the screenshot) will take users to the App/Play Store to download the app. If the app is already installed, then they will get Deep Linked to it.

Please note that access to Journeys requires our Engagement product.

Automatically Open the App When Installed

To have Branch automatically Deep Link users to your mobile app when installed, use the Auto-Open Native App action. It is advisable to chain this action to the action that initializes Branch because you’ll want to transport users into the app immediately when installed. The UX for a user that has your app installed, will include a prompt to open your app. Upon acknowledgement, they will get transported into it and data configured within the action’s view will be passed into it. Conversely, if a user does not have the app installed, the user will remain on mobile web.



Deep Link Data, Tags, Campaign and Channel can be sourced from Data Elements. Simply use %<Data_Element_Name>% notation.

Track an Event

If you’d like to track an event in Branch then you can do so via the Track an Event action. With this action, you’ll be able to track commerce events (purchase, add to cart, etc), content events (search, view content items, etc) user lifecycle events (complete registration, unlock achievement, etc), other custom events. The view configuration is straightforward and looks like the following:

As you cycle through the event types from the drop down (up top), the types of fields that you can send with events will also change. Additionally, there is a validation built into the view so that correct data types are sent with the event.



This validation is for static/hard coded values only and not for Data Elements.