Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Unified Analytics

A unified view of your SKAdNetwork and Non-SKAdNetwork data on the Branch Dashboard.


Unified Analytics is a tab of the Ads section of the Branch Dashboard where campaign data from all attribution methods (SKAdNetwork, IDFA, IDFV, Apple Search Ads, and Android) are merged in a single view after removing duplicate SKAdNetwork data.

With Unified Analytics you will have an easier way to view data on a single report. Other features of Unified Analytics include:

  • Corrected attribution for users who were flagged as organic who should have been attributed to non-organic media.
  • Ability to flag duplicated SKAN installs with a toggle.


In order to enable Unified Analytics, you need to have completed the following:

  1. Created a Branch Dashboard.
  2. Enabled Ads for your Branch account.
  3. Implemented the Branch SDK into your mobile app (iOS | Android)
  4. Implemented SKAdNetwork.

Overview Table

The Overview table will be the main area for analyzing your campaign performance. Here you will be able to apply certain filters and add dimensions so you and your teams have a full understanding of your marketing efforts across mobile.

Note: Custom Events are not supported in Unified Analytics.


Compare By & Filter

With Unified Analytics, you have the following dimensions to break your report out:

ad partnerAd partner of last touch – this is set automatically to be the name of the ad partner
ad partner (3p)Ad partner (3p) of last touch – this is set automatically to be the 3p value of the ad partner
campaignCampaign of last touch – this can be set as a custom analytics tag, or set automatically by ad networks like Facebook
campaign idCampaign id of last touch – this is set automatically by ad networks like Facebook, or can be set with analytics tags on a link
platformPlatform (web vs app, desktop vs mobile) on which the event took place
attributedWhether the event was attributed to any touch (click or impression) as opposed to unattributed (attributed: false). Unattributed data is the same as "organic" or "direct" data.
dayBreak down metrics by day.
monthBreak down metrics by month.
weekBreak down metrics by week.


In the Overview table, you can toggle certain checkboxes to enable the following:



Split SKAN Data

Enable this to view the split de-duplicated event counts from both SKAN and Non-SKAN sources. Your report should now have a new column that splits INSTALL by the following:

  • Non-SKAN: Event counts attributed only via Device ID matching (de-duplicated from SKAN)
  • SKAN: Event counts attributed only via SKAN methodology (de-duplicated from Non-SKAN)
  • Total: Arithmetic Sum of SKAN and Non-SKAN columns
OrganicWhen "Organic" is checked, unattributed data will show (attributed: false). This data is not attributed to any click or impression, and is the same as "organic" or "direct" data.
UniqueWhen "Unique" is checked, these are unique to a user. For example: if 1 user clicks 100 times, it will count as 1. There is no concept of "unique revenue"; "revenue" is always the sum of all purchase events.


How does the deduplication work?

The deduplication method is handled by Branch's servers and it does not involve complex conversion value mapping to occur. Unified Analytics aggregates the aggregate SKAN data with the device-level attribution data that is captured from multiple sources:

  • Valid SKAdNetwork messages
  • Branch's Event Ontology topics
  • Other internal topics

Branch uses these data points and deduplicates based on the device's app version and time lapsed between an install and an event.