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Changes to Feature Offerings for Self-Serve Users

Starting December 9, 2024 self-serve customers will no longer be able to add certain premium features to their subscriptions.

What is Changing

The changes that impact your subscription depend on when you created your subscription.

Please note that customers with premium features already added to their subscriptions will retain those products unless they choose to remove them.

Branch Subscriptions Created Before March 31, 2023

Self-serve users will no longer be able to add Journeys, Ads, Email, or Data Feeds to their subscriptions.

Branch Subscriptions Created on or After March 31, 2023

Self-serve users will no longer be able to add Journeys, Email, or Data Feeds to their subscriptions - however, they will still be able to add Ads.

Moving Forward

Moving forward, Branch users will need to have our Performance and/or Engagement product(s) to use premium features. Which product(s) you should add to your subscription depends on the premium feature(s) you would like to use.

Additional Resources

To learn more about all the premium features included in our Performance and Engagement offerings, please visit our Packaging page.

When you're ready to discuss Branch packaging and make the most out of your digital marketing campaigns, contact our sales team to get started!