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Will the GAID changes impact our attribution on Branch?

Since the introduction of zeroed out GAIDs is the same feature as Limit Ad Tracking and Limit Ad Tracking has been available on Android for years, we do not expect a sudden decrease in Attribution or heavily impact our Attribution reporting. This is primarily because Branch does not collect the GAID when Limit Ad Tracking is enabled by the end-user.

With that said, many Ad Networks are implementing alternative parameters and methodologies to provide accurate attribution reporting even with Limit Ad Tracking enabled. Please evaluate the matrix below.

Impact on Sources when GAID is Zeroed and Limit Ad Tracking is Enabled

SourceAlternate Param/IDInstallOpenDownstream Events
FacebookFacebook Install ReferrerYesYesYes
GoogleMarket Referrer GCLIDYesYesYes
SnapProbabilistic Attribution for AndroidYesYesYes
Non-SANsNo changes as Branch Links are used.YesYesYes
Other Branch FeaturesPREMYesYesYes

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