Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase


Branch's Quick Links API is a useful tool for programmatically generating Branch Deep Links that surface on the Branch Dashboard. You can create Deep Links at scale to support all of your campaigns while tagging the links appropriately based on channel and other analytics tags.

Important: URLs created via this API will not automatically show up in the Branch Dashboard. To make sure a URL appears in the Branch Dashboard, set "$marketing_title": "mytitle" ($marketing_title is part of the data object) and type: 2 in your request. Both parameters need to be properly filled out to see the Deep Link in the Dashboard.


Account Requirements

In order to create Branch Links via the Quick Links Creation API, you need to be a Branch Advanced Platform Customer.

API Limitations



Rate Limits

100 requests per second
5,500 requests per minute
300,000 requests per hour

Please note that 300,000 requests per hour equates to 83 requests per second.

Prerequisites & API Access

In order to access the Quick Links API, you first need to:

  1. Create a Branch Dashboard.
  2. Set appropriate user permissions in your Branch account.


Calls to the Quick Links API require both your Branch Key and (sometimes) Branch Secret parameter to be passed with each request. This can be obtained through the Branch Dashboard Account Settings.

Learn more about your Branch Account Profile here.

For some calls, you will also need your Branch Access Token. This can be obtained from your Branch Dashboard User Settings.

Learn more on retrieving your Access Token here.

API Usage

Create a Quick Link URL


POST /v1/url
Content-Type: application/json
Body: JSON parameters

Request Headers


Request Body Parameters:





The Branch Key of the originating app, found in the Settings tab of your Branch Dashboard.



The dictionary to embed with the link. Accessed as session or install parameters from the SDK. Use the data dictionary for all link control parameters that you'll find here.

The key $marketing_title is part of the data object and must be set in order to see the Deep Link in the Branch Dashboard. The type parameter (not part of the data object) must also be set to 2 for this to happen.



Instead of Branch's standard encoded short URL, you can specify a vanity alias. For example, instead of a random string of characters/integers, you can set the vanity alias as Aliases are enforced to be unique and immutable per domain, and per link - they cannot be reused unless deleted.

Max 128 characters.

NOTE: If you POST to the this endpoint with the same alias, and a matching set of other POST parameters to an existing aliased link, the original will be returned to you. If it clashes and you don't specify a match, will return a HTTP 409 error.



Set type to 2 if you would like to see the URL in the Branch Dashboard. You must also set $marketing_title (which is part of the data object) to a string value.

durationIn seconds. Only set this key if you want to override the match duration for Branch Deep Link matching. This is the time that Branch allows a click to remain outstanding and be eligible to be matched with a new app session. This is default set to 7200 (2 hours).No
Branch analytics parametersIt's important to tag your links with an organized structure of analytics labels so that the data appears consistent and readable in the dashboard.No

Response Body Parameters

urlThe URL created by this endpoint.

Example Request/Response

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "branch_key": "key_live_kaFuWw8WvY7yn1d9yYiP8gokwqjV0Swt",
  "channel": "facebook",
  "feature": "onboarding",
  "campaign": "new product",
  "stage": "new user",
  "tags": ["one", "two", "three"],
  "type": 2,
  "data": {
		"$marketing_title": "mytitle"
		"$canonical_identifier": "content/123",
		"$og_title": "Title from Deep Link",
		"$og_description": "Description from Deep Link",
		"$og_image_url": "",
		"$desktop_url": "",
		"custom_boolean": true,
		"custom_integer": 1243,
		"custom_string": "everything",
		"custom_array": [1,2,3,4,5,6],
		"custom_object": { "random": "dictionary" }
  "url": ""

Bulk Create Quick Link URLs


POST /v1/url/bulk/{branch_key}
Content-Type: application/json
Body: JSON parameters

For more details on how to create Branch Deep Links, see the Branch guide for creating Deep Links.

Request Headers


Request Body Parameters

A JSON array of parameters from Creating a Deep Linking URL.

branch_keyThe Branch Key of the originating app, found in the Settings tab of your Branch Dashboard.Yes
Branch ParametersA JSON array of parameters from Creating a Deep Linking URL.
You're free to add any of your own key-value parameters to a Branch Deep Link. These parameters will be passed to your app via the Branch SDK you are using.

The key $marketing_title is part of the data object and must be set in order to see the Deep Link in the Branch Dashboard. The type parameter (not part of the data object) must also be set to 2 for this to happen.




There is a 100KB limit on the request payload size.

Response Parameters

urlAn array of Branch Deep Link URLs.
errorError(s) if there are invalid params.

Example Request/Response

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '[
      "channel": "facebook",
      "feature": "onboarding",
      "campaign": "new product",
      "stage": "new user",
      "tags": ["one", "two", "three"],
      "type": 2,
      "data": {
      	"$marketing_title": "mytitle"
        "$canonical_identifier": "content/123",
        "$og_title": "Title from Deep Link",
        "$og_description": "Description from Deep Link",
        "$og_image_url": "",
        "$desktop_url": "",
        "custom_boolean": true,
        "custom_integer": 1243,
        "custom_string": "everything",
        "custom_array": [1,2,3,4,5,6],
        "custom_object": { "random": "dictionary" }
      "channel": "facebook",
      "feature": "onboarding",
      "campaign": "new product",
      "stage": "new user",
      "tags": ["one", "two", "three"],
      "type": 2,
      "data": {
      	"$marketing_title": "mysecondtitle"
        "$canonical_identifier": "content/123",
        "$og_title": "Title from Deep Link",
        "$og_description": "Description from Deep Link",
        "$og_image_url": "",
        "$desktop_url": ""
    "url": ""
    "url": ""
    'error': 'error message'

Update Existing Quick Link


Link Update Tips

  • A Branch Deep Link's data object is overwritten entirely by this API call, so make sure to include all of the Branch Deep Link's data when updating it and not just the data you're changing.
  • To update Branch Deep Links in bulk, combine the update and read methods when creating a script.
  • If you want to add custom key/value pairs to the data object, you will need to do it outside of the API Reference.


Link Update Restrictions

There are certain restrictions when attempting to update Deep Links:

  • Not all links can be updated, namely links with the structure of or
  • The following fields cannot be updated:
    • alias
      • For example, you cannot change to
    • identity
    • type
      • This means if you want to see Branch Deep Links in the Dashboard, you need to have set type to 2 during creation.
    • app_id
    • randomized_bundle_token
    • domain
    • state
    • creation_source
    • app_short_identifier


PUT /v1/url
Content-Type: application/json
Body: JSON parameters

Request Headers


Request Body Parameters

branch_keyThe Branch Key of the originating app, found in the Settings tab of your Branch Dashboard.Yes
branch_secretThe Branch Secret of the originating app, found in the Settings tab of your Branch Dashboard.Yes
urlThe Branch Quick Link URL you want updated.Yes

Example Request/Response

curl -XPUT '' -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "branch_key": "key_live_kaFuWw8WvY7yn1d9yYiP8gokwqjV0Swt",
  "branch_secret": "secret_live_RrrsLqpzVcoVWf5t4ncQVpzlg2pRpGH9",
  "channel": "twitter",
  "type": 2,
  "data": {
		"$marketing_title": "mynewtitle",
		"name": "alex",
		"user_id": "12346"
  "data": {
    "+url": "",
    "~creation_source": 0,
    "user_id": "12346",
    "$one_time_use": false,
    "~id": "423196096467215333",
    "name": "alex",
    "~campaign": "new product",
    "~channel": "twitter",
    "$identity_id": "755468067194863158",
    "~stage": "new user",
    "~feature": "onboarding",
    "url": ""
  "type": 0,
  "campaign": "new product",
  "feature": "onboarding",
  "channel": "twitter",
  "stage": "new user"

The sample Python script below reads a 2-column CSV file, and updates a key specified in the script for all links listed in column A, with the values in column B:

import requests
import csv
import sys
import urllib
import json

def BranchUpdateModule(KeyV, SecretV, UpdateV, File):
    # Insert API key & App Secret from the Branch dashboard, and the Link data key you want to change in each link **
    branch_key = KeyV
    branch_secret = SecretV
    key_to_update = UpdateV

    # Insert filename for CSV containing links to update in first column, and values to add in second column **
    ifile = open(File, "r", encoding="utf-8")

    # Constants
    branchendpoint = ""
    reader = csv.reader(ifile, delimiter=',')

    # Uncomment the next line if you want the script to skip the first line of the CSV

    # Loop through CSV
    for row in reader:

        # Retrieve link data for link being updated
        url = urllib.parse.quote_plus(row[0])
        getrequest = branchendpoint + url + "&branch_key=" + branch_key
        linkdata = requests.get(getrequest)
        jsonData = json.loads(linkdata.text)

        if linkdata.status_code != 200:
            print('Failed: {}'.format( getrequest))

        # Set credentials for update API
        jsonData["branch_key"] = branch_key
        jsonData["branch_secret"] = branch_secret

        #TODO for editing new value
        newValue = row[1]
        if key_to_update in jsonData:
            jsonData[key_to_update] = newValue
        if key_to_update in jsonData["data"]:
            jsonData["data"][key_to_update] = newValue

        if jsonData.get('type', None) is not None:
            del jsonData['type']
        if jsonData.get('alias', None):
            del jsonData['alias']
        payload = json.dumps(jsonData)
        print("\n \n payload")
        putrequest = branchendpoint + url

        r = requests.put(putrequest, json=jsonData)