This endpoint is used to log custom events
The Branch Key of the originating app obtained in your Account Settings
The name of the event to log. Can be a string of custom event name. For instance "picture swiped".
One of the following operating system e.g. Android, iOS,MAC_OS,LINUX,WINDOWS etc.
The version of the operating system.
usually FULL_APP
The Android/Google advertising ID.
Android hardware ID
iOS advertising ID
iOS vendor ID
true if the partner has opted to not be tracked by advertisers
The user agent of the browser or app where the event occurred. Usually associated with a webview.
Branch internal-only field for tracking browsers.
The current page url where Web SDK logged web session start.
The referral url that led to the current page where Web SDK logged web session start.
The developer-specified identity for a user.
The country code of the user, usually based on device settings or user agent string.
The language code of the user, usually based on device settings or user agent string.
The ip address for the device where the event occurred
Android only - local ip of the device
The brand of the device
Branch internal-only field for tracking devices.
The app version downloaded by the user.
The model of the device.
The screen's DPI.
The screen's height.
The screen's width.
Whether European regulations, including the DMA, apply to this user and conversion. Required if EU regulations apply to this user.
Whether end user has granted or denied ads personalization consent. Required if dma_eea
is set to true
(i.e., EU regulations apply to this user).
Whether end user has granted or denied consent for 3P transmission of user level data for ads. Required if dma_eea
is set to true
(i.e., EU regulations apply to this user).
Custom data contain key-value pairs of additional information
The partner-specified transaction id for their internal use
The partner-specified reported revenue for the event.
Currency that revenue, price, shipping, tax were originally reported in by the partner
Shipping cost associated with the transaction.
Total tax associated with the transaction.
Transaction coupon redeemed with the transaction (e.g. "SPRING2017")
Store or affiliation from which this transaction occurred (e.g. Google Store)
Description associated with the event, not necessarily specific to any individual content items (see below)
Additional search queries.
Authentication Failed
"{\n \"error\": {\n \"message\": \"Authentication failed !\",\n \"code\": 400\n }\n}"
Rate Limit Reached
"{\n \"error\": {\n \"code\": 429,\n \"message\": \"Rate limit reached.\"\n }\n}"