Within the Branch Dashboard, you can create, customize, and manage all of your QR Codes.
These QR Codes, powered by Branch Links, allow you to round out your marketing efforts to drive more users from places offline/in-person, video advertisements, and more!
Branch's Engagement Essentials tier includes access to dynamic QR Codes, where you can set your own parameters so your user has a seamless experience to your app. It also includes access to QR Code analytics.
If you would like to customize your Branch QR Codes, you may do so with our Engagement Pro tier.
Learn more on our packaging page.
To access the QR Codes page in the Branch Dashboard, which includes the Manager and Analytics tabs, the following must be true:
For App-Level Settings, you have View permissions
For Link-Level Settings, you have View permissions
Under Feature Filters, you must have Restrict link creation and editing to templates disabled
You are not an agency user
To manage and update your team's access settings, go to the Teams tab on the Account Settings page.
QR Code Creation
The steps below outline how to create a Branch QR Code. They walk you through the different layers of information you can add to your Branch QR Code to make it easier to analyze, look like your brand, and more.
1. Create QR Code
In the Branch Dashboard, navigate to the Manger tab of the QR Codes section, then click the + Create QR Code button.
2. Define QR Code
You must define your Branch QR Code with a Title and an Original Web URL.
Enter the values for these fields in their respective boxes.
It is recommended that you use a title that is descriptive of your campaign.
Click Create QR Code Now to generate your Branch QR Code or Save & Continue to configure your Branch QR Code further.
3. Add Analytics Tags
Similar to Branch Quick Links, you can add your Analytics Tags here.
It is recommended that you add proper analytics tags to your Branch QR Codes to better analyze your campaign performance.
Click Create QR Code Now to generate your Branch QR Code or click Save & Continue to configure your Branch QR Code further.
4. Configure Redirects
In the Redirects section, you can determine what happens if the user scans the Branch QR Code and doesn't have your app installed.
You can configure the behavior to route the user to the app store, a webpage, or a Branch Deepview.
Click Create QR Code Now to generate your Branch QR Code or click Save & Continue to configure your Branch QR Code further.
5. Add Link Data
The Link Data section is for adding additional information about your Branch Link to your Branch QR Code.
These Key and Value pairs will be passed to the user's app session and can be used for additional analytics or deep linking.
Click Create QR Code Now to generate your Branch QR Code or click Save & Continue to configure your Branch QR Code further.
6. Customize QR Code
Finally, you can customize your QR code. In the Customize section, you can edit the Finder Style, Code Pattern, Colors, and Center Logo.
Click Create QR Code Now to generate your Branch QR Code.
7. Download QR Code
Once complete, you can download your Branch QR Code as a PNG, JPEG, or SVG.
File Format Best Practices
Branch QR Codes are designed to be high resolution - any file format you download will give you a Branch QR Code with a resolution of 300 pixels per inch and an image size of 1667 x 1667 pixels.
However, each file format (PNG, JPEG, and SVG) has its different use cases and benefits. Which one you should use depends on how you plan to use your Branch QR Code.
PNG: Recommended for most general use cases. Larger file size. Not transparent.
JPEG: Recommended for most general use cases. This includes digital content and printed materials. Not transparent.
SVG: Recommended when being able to resize the image without losing quality is essential. This could include high-quality print materials (posters, flyers, large banners) or certain websites. Transparent background.