Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. β€œdeep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Add & Manage Agency Users

Agency admins have the ability to add other users to their agency. To complete the steps below, be sure you're in the agency record, not the app.

Add New Agency Users to Your Team


Agency users

Agency users are managed by agencies. Agencies themselves add members within their view. Please make sure you are in your Agency account in the Branch Dashboard, not the client's Branch app account.

  1. From the Branch Dashboard, navigate to the Account Settings page in the Dashboard, and click the Team tab.
  2. Click the Add Agency Team Member button.
  3. Complete the following fields:
  • Email Address
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Select the Access Level you wish to grant the user, your options are:
    • Agency Admin - This grants full access to the Account Settings tab, including the ability to add, edit, and remove agency team members.
    • Agency Team Member - Read-only access on the Account Settings tab.
  1. Click Invite when you're done.


Disabled Functionality

Any restricted functionality - either due to default Agency restrictions or selected access levels - in the Branch dashboard will be (1) grayed out, (2) not clickable, (3) include a pop up modal informing the user about restricted access. See more about default agency restrictions.

Manage Agency Users

Modifying Permissions of an Existing Team Member

To modify an existing agency team member:

  1. On the Account Settings page, on the Agencies tab, find the team member you want to modify and click the ... button in the Actions column for that user.
  2. Click Edit and modify any of the following:
  • Email
  • First and Last names
  • Access Level
  1. Click Save when you're done.

Resend Invitation to Join

To resend the invitation to join the account:

  1. On the Account Settings page, on the Agencies tab, find the team member you want to resend the invite to.
  2. Click on the ... and click Resend Invite.

Delete Team Member

  1. On the Account Settings page, on the Agencies tab, find the team member you want to delete.
  2. Click on the ...
  3. Click Delete.
  4. In the Are you sure you want to delete? modal, click Yes, Delete.

Request Additional Permissions

As a non-Admin user, you may not be able to access/use certain sections of the Branch dashboard. If you’d like more access, please contact your Agency Admin user on the account to ask for more permissions.