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Ads FAQs
Ads FAQs
Get Started
FAQs Overview
Attribution & Methodology
Attribution & Methodology FAQs
Branch Attribution Logic & Settings FAQs
How does Limit Ad Tracking impact Branch attribution?
When a user clicks a web-only email link on iOS and they get directed into the app before getting kicked out to web, does Branch still count an app OPEN?
Can Branch track impressions on Desktop?
Can I track User data location through Branch?
Create Branch Links
Branch Links FAQs
Quick Links FAQs
Why are some Quick Link thumbnails not shown in WhatsApp?
Can we see the stats for links created using the API or SDK on the dashboard?
The Quick Links created aren't showing up in search on the dashboard
Quick Link redirection is not working as expected
How can I create a Quick Link for Snapchat?
Does a Branch generated QR code have an expiration date?
Why do I have to click on 'Load More' to find my link when searching Quick Links?
Are the number of 'Opens' included in the number of 'Installs' reported on Branch Dashboard?
I'm not given the popup on iOS to open my app via URI scheme anymore, why?
Why isn't the geo-specific fallback not working?
Can updating the Social Media Descriptors affect an apps ranking in app store searches?
Does Branch Over-write UTM parameters if they are already detected in a link?
How long does it take for new images to appear on social media preview once updated?
Why am I unable to find my link in the Quick Links Section?
How are Quick Links different from Ad Links?
Is there a way to split clicks and events for a link between a direct click and a QR code scan?
Troubleshoot Deep Links FAQs
Can I Deep Link from another app into my app?
Deep links do not open the app
Viewing deep link data
View deep link stats
Deep links in China
Branch links in Snapchat Stories iOS
Error during link creation - URL doesn't pass security tests
Why can't access_token and auth_token be used as query parameters for long links?
Ad Links FAQs
Can we create a QR Code for Ad Links?
Why am I seeing an error 'The link is not formatted properly' when trying to click on an Ad link?
Web Only Links FAQs
[iOS] Web Only Link opens the App instead of Web
[Android] Web Only Link opens the App instead of Web
iOS Links FAQs
Safari error: "Safari cannot open this page because address is invalid"
NativeLink™ FAQs
Will NativeLink show for users with the app installed?
Will NativeLink override my existing Branch Deepviews?
Ads Reporting FAQs
Ads Reporting FAQs
What does this "deeplink_no_attribution=true" mean? Should we change it to false for attribution to work?
Most sites would refer to Day 0 as the day the person installed the app - wouldn't it be 100%? Can you tell me what you mean by Day 0 and Day 1?
Unable to view clicks and other stats for links created through the API
Where is the Complete List of Country Names and Country Code Values?
Are my Ad Campaign installs only driven by clicks?
How can I pull postback logs?
Cohort Analytics FAQs
In Cohorts, why is the number of "users" not the same as "Day 0"? Shouldn't those numbers be equal because every user opens the app when they first install it?
Ads SANs
How can I prevent sending specific events to Self-Attributing Networks like Facebook and Google?
How do I set up impression tracking?
Facebook Ads FAQs
What is Facebook MMP?
How does Branch attribute events to Facebook ads?
Do I need the Facebook SDK in order for Branch to attribute installs, opens and other events back to Facebook?
How can I use deep links in Facebook ads?
How can I attribute conversion events to Facebook ads?
What are the permissions you ask for as part of the onboarding process, and why?
What is each piece of information needed during the onboarding process, and why?
I can't see the ad account I want to use at all
Does Branch provide view-through (impression) attribution for Facebook?
I think I previously had Facebook enabled...
What happens to campaigns in which I'm using deep links?
Do I need to remove deep links from my Facebook ads.
Does this new Facebook MMP functionality cover web campaigns?
Can I get Facebook data out?
The data on Facebook and the data on Branch does not line up!
How can I change the authentication user id for Facebook/Google Ads integration on Branch?
When I change a campaign name on Facebook, will that apply on Branch dashboard immediately or when an engagement on the ad starts?
Facebook Ads Advanced Options
Facebook MMP event options
Track installs with Facebook
Track reinstalls and opens with Facebook
Track other conversion events with Facebook
Track custom events with Facebook
Migrating from the existing Facebook integration to MMP
Sources of Discrepancies between Facebook and Branch
Attribution Windows and Facebook
Timezones and Facebook
Issue with iOS 10+ and Limit Ad Tracking
We are recording Android and iOS installs why don't I see any installs attributed to ad-partners like Facebook and Google?
Facebook campaigns attributing to deep links
Installs Counted as Reinstalls, Opens on Branch
Don't Use `setDebug` with Facebook
Renaming campaigns, ad sets, and ads
Discrepancies with Impressions and Clicks with Facebook
Discrepancies with Installs, Opens and Conversion Events with Facebook
How do I configure Deep Linking on Instagram Bio Page?
Attribute Mobile App Events to Non-Mobile Ad Objectives
SAN Deferred Deep Linking FAQs
Will my app get back Branch deep link data?
Do I need to update my app for SAN Deferred Deep Linking?
Will I get any ad data from SANs, including impressions?
If there are multiple recent clicks, such as a Google click then a click on an email, which deep link data will I receive in app?
What if I want data for reinstalls or opens?
Apple Search Ads FAQs
Why does CAMPAIGN or CAMPAIGN ID for Apple Search Ads in Branch Show "CampaignName" and "1234567890"?
Google Ads FAQs
Unable to see Google Ad Set and Ad Set ID in Analytics
Why do Google Ads get Disapproved for destination mismatch - Using Branch Links?
Will adding custom parameter ~customer_ad_set_name or ~customer_ad_name to the Branch Ad Link result in including the ad group name in Branch Dashboard?
Twitter Ads
"Multiple Provider Ids" error trying to use Twitter as an Ad partner
Journeys FAQs
Journeys FAQs
Google PageSpeed Insights & SEO FAQs
Reducing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
Do Branch Journeys get flagged by Google as a poor CX and hurt SEO?
Customize Journeys FAQs
Can I add a 2 lines of text to my Journeys?
Can I use a custom font for Journeys?
Can I localize the text of my Journeys?
Can I prevent a Journey from showing with Javascript?
Can we close a Journey Programmatically?
Can I trigger a Journey to show?
Is there a way to disable Journeys animations?
Is there a way to set up a listener function to listen to events?
What are the limitations to has_app?
Force a Journey to auto-open the app for users that have it installed
Can I pass link data to my Journey banner, so that when the app opens using the journey banner, the SDK can read that data?
How is A/B testing assigned out to users' devices?
Schedule Journeys FAQs
When does a Journey become active or stopped?
How do I set an end date for a Journey with a recurring schedule?
How do I set a delay time for Journey banner to be displayed?
Referring Link Data FAQs
Is there a way to preserve or discard referring link data?
Journeys Analytics FAQs
Is there a way where I can view the analytics of Journeys created through Web SDK?
Troubleshoot Journeys FAQs
The "Has the app" installed filter is not working in test mode
I am using the Journeys filter for metadata but it is not working on my web page. Metadata is set as "abc":123
Journey Still Shows "Get" After App Install
How can I check/retrieve the Branch Link behind any given banner?
Dashboard FAQs
Dashboard FAQs
Configure Link Behaviors for Redirects and Link Domain FAQs
Why are Branch deep links redirecting to Desktop Fallbacks on iPad?
Can I have multiple custom domains for 1 app?
When the link is clicked from Chrome/Gmail, it redirects to fallback_url even when the app is already installed.
How do Branch links handle redirecting users into the App Store or Google Play store?
iPad Redirects to Website
When configuring my redirects I cannot find my app from the list of apps, what do I do?
Attribution Windows FAQs
What is the time range for deep link duration/match duration?
Can I get link-level Attribution Windows in minutes?
Deepviews FAQs
Can I change my app icon?
Can I change my app icon that appears in social media posts?
Can I edit a Deepview template?
Can I add Javascript to my custom Deepview template?
Can I customize the favicon of the deepview domain?
Email FAQs
Email FAQs
Troubleshoot and Test Email
When I add CNAME all my links redirect to
What do the Email validation errors/warnings mean and how can I fix them?
Why is there an additional Safelink redirect on top of my Click Tracking Domain?
Email Partner FAQs
How can I request a new Universal Email partner?
How can I send additional data to my ESP?
Email Use Cases
Webhook FAQs
What is the retry logic for webhooks?
Segment FAQs
How do I pass Segment Anonymous ID in React Native when configuring Segment Export?
Tools FAQs
Liveview FAQs
Why is my link is showing the same campaign name although I am sending dynamic values via query parameters.
Why am I able to see revenue data on Liveview but it does not show up on the analytics page?
Account Settings FAQs
Account Settings FAQs
Does Branch support just-in-time or SCIM account provisioning?
Account and Profile Settings FAQs
Why am I not able to see my App on the Dashboard?
Is there a limit on the number of Apps a user can create?
How do I find my Branch App ID?
Why can't I log into the Branch Dashboard?
Manage Users & Permissions FAQs
Manage Agency Access FAQs
How can I manage individual agency users access levels?
Grant Agency Access to Permissions to Export Data
Why can't I see User Management buttons on the team management page?
Do Agency Users have access to Organic Data
Why can't my Ad Partner access the dashboard?
Billing FAQs
What happens if I sign up partway through the month?
What happens if my credit card is not accepted (Error 322)?
When will I be billed?
What payment methods are accepted?
Test the Branch iOS / Android / Web SDK
Does the Web SDK script run in an iframe?
How can I integrate the Web SDK in a Wordpress website?
iOS Redirect is Not Working and I Have Universal Links Enabled
Email deep links work on Android but do not open the app directly on iOS.
What is the minimum SDK version required to get ATT opt-in and opt-out data
When is the AASA File fetched once we update the AASA file?
Android SDK FAQs
[Android] Why do we recommend initializing the SDK in onStart() versus onCreate() in Android?
[Android] App does not open directly, gives an option to choose between browser and app
Android app crashes when opening from a Branch Link
How do I know if my Android app links are configured properly?
Android app calls Branch multiple times when resuming
Google Play removed the app from the store Your app is uploading users’ installed package information to without a prominent disclosure.
Android App Not Opening Troubleshooting Guide
Charles Proxy & Android Phones
How to stop collecting the SSAID (android_id)?
Xamarin SDK FAQs
Value can not be null error in Xamarin SDK
Daily Exports FAQs
I am setting the Identity ID through the SDK code. How can I view it on the Dashboard?
AAIDs in invalid format in exports
Custom Exports FAQs
Why do I receive an error creating Custom Exports while trying to run a custom export from a Test environment app?
iOS 14 FAQs
iOS 14 FAQs
Android 12 FAQs
Android 12 FAQs
How to Continue Accessing GAID
Will the GAID changes impact our attribution on Branch?
Branch Links are always taking me to the Google Play Store on Android 12
Debugging Android App Links
Updates & Announcements
Updates & Announcements
Dispatch: Adobe Analytics Data Connector Deprecation
Dispatch: Facebook Deprecating Advanced Mobile Measurement (AMM) Program
Dispatch: Google iOS 14 Update
Dispatch: Facebook iOS 14 Update
Feature: NativeLink™ Deferred Deep Linking
Dispatch: New Cost, Cohort, & Query API Functionality
Feature: Scheduled Log Exports API
Branch University & Branch Dashboard Single Sign On
Dispatch: Support for New AASA Format
Click and Impression Abuse Thresholds
Ads FAQs
Ads (non-SANs) FAQs
Reset My Ad Partner's Settings
Does re-authenticating an Ad Partner disrupt/break the existing campaigns?
Clicking on an Ad Link with macros/parameters (like {campaign}) redirects to a Branch error page
How can we add more macros to Ad Links?
Why are the ads macros/parameters not visible in the dashboard?
How do I sign up as a Branch partner to run campaigns for my Advertisers.
TUNE Migration Guide
Data Privacy
Data Privacy FAQs
Is Branch HIPAA Compliant?
Branch University
Branch University FAQs
Ads FAQs
Suggest Edits
Ads (non-SANs) FAQs
Ads Reporting
Updated 6 months ago