TikTok SKAdNetwork


The introduction of iOS 14.5 came with the rise of SKAdNetwork (SKAN) which had industry-wide impacts on the mobile measurement and attribution ecosystem. As such, TikTok For Business will work similarly to most non-self-attribution networks when it comes to SKAdNetwork campaigns.

How does it work?

The Branch SDK can be used to manage all calls to SKAN. Once TikTok For Business is integrated and authenticated with Branch and the SDK is tracking events, TikTok For Business will forward individual SKAN postbacks to Branch.

TikTok For Business SKAN Support

Supported Campaigns

TikTok Campaign Type

SKAN Support for Branch

TikTok App Install

TikTok App Re-Engagement

❌ Does not support SKAN

Apple Postback Data




Ad Network ID

Campaign ID

Transaction ID

App ID

Attribution Signature


Source App ID

Fidelity Type

Added TikTok Data



Campaign ID

Campaign Name

Ad Set ID

Ad Set Name


Ad Name

Creative ID

Creative Name


In order to enable TikTok For Business SKAdNetwork, you need to have completed the following:

  1. Enable TikTok For Business

  2. Access to Apple's developer tool.

Enable TikTok SKAdNetwork

1. Authenticate SKAdNetwork in Branch


Authenticating your app requires access to Apple's developer tool App Store Connect as Branch requires several IDs and a key to complete authentication and sync the correct app to your Branch account.


To configure SKAdNetwork functionality:

  1. Navigate to the SKAN Conversion Center page in the Branch Dashboard.

  2. On this page, please provide the following App Store Connect information:
    a. Issuer ID
    b. Key ID
    c. Private Key

  3. Once your fields are filled out and your Private Key file is uploaded, click the Authenticate & Proceed To Configuration button.

Resetting Credentials

App Store Connect credentials are used as a one time check to verify app ownership. The SKAdNetwork integration is complete and valid as long as the app integration step is complete.

After this, the credentials may be removed. To remove them, click the Reset App Store Credentials button.

2. Opt-in for Branch SDK Support

In the SKAdNetwork Config section of the Branch dashboard, select the YES radio button to have the Branch SDK handle all calls to SKAdNetwork.

Do NOT opt-in if you decide to:

3. Assign Conversion Values to Events

Custom Events

Custom Events need to be mapped in the TikTok For Business Events Config so Branch can share the conversion value with TikTok.

  • In the SKAdNetwork Config section of the Branch dashboard, select all app events you want Branch to send to Apple for attribution.

  • You may optionally select a Customer Event Alias and/or a Revenue Range to further distinguish the conversion value.

  • Assign unique values to each event (Apple accepts any number from 0 to 63) that represent their level of importance to you, where 63 is the highest priority and 0 is the lowest priority.  Apple will always use the event with the highest priority, regardless if an event with a lower priority was tracked afterward.

Revenue Range Guidance

  • Revenue range is available for all Commerce Events where revenue is available on the event (Purchase, Add to Cart, Add to Wishlist, View Cart, Initiate Purchase, Add Payment Info, Click Ad, View Ad, Reserve, Spend Credits).

  • Revenue must be entered as USD on the dashboard. Branch will convert revenue with different currencies on events to USD.

  • Revenue ranges must not overlap for the same event (Ex: 1-100, 50-150).

  • Lower Bound Revenue is inclusive, Upper Bound Revenue is exclusive.

  • While not necessary, it is recommended to include both a lower + upper bound on every event.

SKAdNetwork Reporting

You may view performance of your SKAdNetwork Campaigns through the SKAdNetwork Activity Tab


For additional details on the reporting capabilities, dimensions, etc. please see the following guides: