The Dashboard is the primary location where you will be interfacing with Branch's products and analytics. Any individual who has a Branch account login can access the Branch Dashboard.
The three primary functions of the dashboard include:
Link and Campaign Creation
Viewing your analytics
Configuration of your Account Settings
The first page you will see when logging into the Branch Dashboard is the Branch Summary page. This dashboard provides a global overview of your Branch analytics across all your channels, campaigns, and use cases for Branch linking.
Shortcuts allow quick access to view data for:
All Data
Quick Links
The Summary page allows you to:
View data custom date ranges and data granularity
Select the metrics you would like to view and how you would like to compare them, both visually and in Table form.
Share reports with other stakeholders on your team
Date Ranges
Choose a pre-set date range via the drop-down menu or customize the time frame using the date selector.
Sharing and Saving
Create a Branch link to share your view with another person on your team or save your report to come back to at another time.
Summary Tiles
Summary tiles are customizable and allow for the selection of the metrics that are the most important to you.
Summary Graph
Select the metrics (downloads, clicks, installs etc.) and how you would like to compare them (ad partner, campaign, device type, geography etc.) In order to explore a visual breakdown of the data. View more closely or export the graphs for later use.
Events/ Performance Table
View a table breakdown for the time window selected at the top of the page. Again, select the metrics you would like to view and how you would like to compare them, this time, via the "add columns" button, "Compare By" dropdown, and additional filters. Download the data to CSV for additional analysis.
For more in-depth information about the Summary Page view our Summary guide.
For additional information about Sharing and Dashboard reporting, view our Dashboard Reports guide.
Channels & Links
The Channels & Links section is where you will be creating most of your Branch LInks and Setting up campaigns for Journeys and Ads. Each Branch Premium Product has its own analytics dashboard as well as specifics for link creation.
Set up your Ad Partner connections and postbacks, create tracking links for new campaigns, analyze potential fraud, and view your analytics for both traditional campaigns and SKAdNetwork campaigns.
View Analytics specifically for your Ads Channel. Similar to the Branch Summary Page, Select your Time Range, Metrics, and Compare Bys and see your data both visually and in data table form.
Partner Management
Set up your connections to Ad Partners including Self-Attributing and Traditional Networks. Create, edit, and test postbacks to Branch from your networks.
Generate Branch tracking links to place into your ad campaigns. These links can deep link content (depending on your Ad Network) as well as track conversions.
Generate reports to see which clicks and conversions have been blocked by Branch's anomaly detection practices. Learn more about Branch's fraud solution here.
Configure SKAdNetwork with Branch and view SKAdNetwork-specific conversion data. Learn more about SKAdNetwork here
For more information about Ads, take a look at our Ads Overview Guide as well as our Partner Integration Guide and our Creating Ad Links Guide.
Design completely custom banners and interstitials for your mobile website. Target audiences, run A/B tests, and view Journeys-specific analytics including Pageviews, Journeys Impressions, View-to-Click ratios etc.
For more information about Journeys, Take a look at our Journeys Overview Guide.
Enable your Email Service Provider's integration with Branch to allow you to deep link from your emails to your app within your current email marketing setup flow. View your email-specific analytics including clicks and in-app conversions from your email campaigns.
For more information about Branch’s Email feature, take a look at our Overview Guide as well as our Integration Guide.
Quick Links
Create and manage links and QR codes that can be used in every channel online and off.
Cross Channel Analytics
Engagement Builder
Create rules to help you identify groups of users to target in re-engagement campaigns and share these groups of users directly with your ad networks.
Data Feeds
Enable Branch's Daily Export API to send Branch Data to an S3 bucket for retrieval by your team, and set up automatic data sending via pre-built integrations with Branch's marketing analytics partners.
Daily Exports
Retrieve daily exports from Branch's Dashboard interface.
Custom Exports
Generate a completely custom data export with the topics, events, and columns of your choosing via the Branch user interface
Tell Branch exactly how to act when one of your Branch Links is clicked, create your custom domain, and more. For more information, visit our Configuration Guide here
Account Settings
Retrieve your Branch key and secret and control permissions for team member and agency access to your Branch Data and configurations. More on users and permissions here
Integration Status
View the status of your Branch Integration progress. See the additional steps that need to be completed, and link to relevant integration documentation.
Test Devices
Set up test devices to ensure that conversions resulting from your testing do not appear in your regular traffic and re-set devices to allow you to test installs more than once. See our Test Device Guide here.