Search specific term/phrase surrounded by double quotes. e.g. “deep linking”
Exclude records that contain a specific term prefixed with a minus. e.g. Android -Firebase

Desktop & Over the Top (OTT) Attribution


Branch supports server-to-server (S2S) measurement for desktop and all of the popular over-the-top (OTT) platforms.

This document outlines how to send sessions and conversion events. These are separate, because sessions are fundamentally different from conversion events. The response from a request to Branch to log a session may include deep link data. This can be used to deep link the user to content, including the “deferred deep linking” scenario where a user clicked a link, then installed the app and opened it.

We use Roku as the basis for this guide, but applies to other OTT solutions. We provide an example request (curl), then we discuss each parameter in the request. For specific parameters, we provide tables showing how to change the request based on the platform (e.g. Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Samsung Smart TV).


API Access is restricted

The ability to directly call the v1/open API is restricted to select enterprise accounts. Please contact your Branch Account Manager to confirm if your account is eligible for enablement.


  • App is setup in the Branch dashboard with default link redirects, your domains, a URI scheme, Universal Links, and you have access to your API & Secret keys
  • Account has been enabled to access the v1/open API


Dashboard & In-App setup required

Successful use of the v1/open API will require setup steps in the Branch dashboard and in your mobile or OTT/CTV app.

Session Measurement

A session measurement request should be made every time the app is opened. The response should be parsed and a few of the values should be used on subsequent requests (i.e. randomized_device_token, randomized_bundle_token).

Session Request Parameters

branch_keyStringYour branch key, provided upon the time of dashboard creation.
branch_secretStringYour branch secret, provided upon the time of dashboard creation.
server_to_serverBooleanHard code this into the request as true.
app_versionStringYour app’s semantic version ID.
osStringSee platform specific key-value section.
os_versionStringOS semantic version ID.
retryNumberIntegerDefault to 0. If retrying a request, then set this to 1 (first retry) or 2 (second retry).
brandStringBrand of device.
modelStringModel of device.
screen_heightIntegerHeight of the screen.
screen_widthIntegerWidth of the screen.
ad_tracking_enabledBooleanEnsure that this is passed so that Branch can utilize this flag.
advertising_idsMap of String → StringShould include the appropriate key for the device, and then the value of that advertising ID. See [platform specific key-value section(#session-platform-specific-key-values).
launch_optionsRoku ONLY

Map of query params on the launch or input request, as well as other metadata that may be passed to the Roku app as part of these commands.

Example: the following command is issued to your app:
curl -d '' ''
randomized_device_tokenStringOn initial request (i.e. install), omit this key. Will be returned in the first response (e.g. "randomized_device_token": "123456789123456789"). Then send this up on subsequent requests.
server_to_server_identityBooleanHard code this into the request as true. This generates the randomized_bundle_token for the s2s requests and returns in the response. This needs to be accompanied by identity below.
identityStringOnly works with the server_to_server_identity

This is mapped and set as the developer_id when making the s2s call. Example - "test_user_01”
link_identifierStringWhen a URI opens the app, check for a link_click_id
query, and populate with that value (if missing, do not include in request)

Ex. yourapp://open?link_click_id=823569794275788167

Session Platform-specific Key Values


  • os: mac_OS
  • id: MAC address (Media Access Control)
    • example: "mac_address" : "88:66:5a:2f:81:fa"


  • os: WINDOWS
  • advertising_ids: windows_advertising_id
    • example: "windows_advertising_id": "ea31e5e0"
  • id: MAC address (Media Access Control)
    • example: "mac_address" : "00:1A:C2:7B:00:47"


  • os: tv_OS
  • advertising_ids: idfa
    • example: "idfa": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • os: ROKU
  • advertising_ids: roku_rida
    • example: "roku_rida": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • os: SAMSUNG
  • advertising_ids: samsung_ifa
    • example: "samsung_ifa": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • os: LG
  • advertising_ids: lg_ifa
    • example: "lg_ifa": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • advertising_ids: panasonic_ifa
    • example: "panasonic_ifa": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • os: XBOX
  • advertising_ids: xbox_msai
    • example: "xbox_msai": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"

Example Request

curl -d '{
  "branch_key": "key_live_YOUR_KEY_HERE",
  "app_version": "1.0.1",
  "os": "ROKU",
  "os_version": "10.0",
  "retryNumber": 0,
  "brand": "Roku",
  "model": "4200X",
  "sdk": "roku",
  "sdk_version": "1.0.0",
  "screen_height": 1334,
  "screen_width": 750,
  "ad_tracking_enabled": true,
  "advertising_ids": {
    "roku_rida": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000123"
  "launch_options": {
    "contentID": "1234",
    "instant_on_run_mode": "foreground",
    "lastExitOrTerminationReason": "EXIT_UNKNOWN",
    "mediaType": "movie",
    "source": "external-control",
    "splashTime": "1500"
  "randomized_device_token": "123456789123456789",
  "randomized_bundle_token": "987654321987654321"
}' ""

Example Response

  "data": "{\"+clicked_branch_link\":true,\"+is_first_session\":false,\"contentID\":\"1234\",\"mediaType\":\"movie\"}",
  "randomized_device_token": "123456789123456789",
  "randomized_bundle_token": "987654321987654321",
  "session_id": "685187705776489500"

NOTE: The deep link data is located inside the object data. It includes +clicked_branch_link: true as well as the link data.

Conversion Event Measurement

Conversion events include anything beyond sessions. They include signups, content views, purchases, and the like.

For Standard Events, please make requests to: /v2/event/standard

If you want to track an event not on this list, then you can track a Custom Event. These will not be nicely mapped to 3rd party event names, so this should be a fallback if there is no good Standard Event available.


Branch Standard Events

For a full list of Branch Standard Events, please see this document.

For Custom Events, please make requests to: /v2/event/custom

Conversion Event Request Parameters

nameStringShould be a Standard Event name if using /v2/event/standard. Otherwise can be a custom event name (any string) if using /v2/event/custom.
customer_event_aliasStringCan be any string.
branch_keyStringYour branch key, provided upon the time of dashboard creation.

user_data.developer_identityStringYour ID for a user.
user_data.app_versionStringYour app’s semantic version ID.
user_data.osStringSee platform specific key-value section.
user_data.os_versionStringOS semantic version ID.
user_data.brandStringBrand of device.
user_data.modelStringModel of device.
user_data.screen_heightIntegerHeight of the screen.
user_data.screen_widthIntegerWidth of the screen.
user_data.environmentStringSee platform specific key-value section.
user_data.limit_ad_trackingBooleanEnsure that this is passed so that Branch can utilize this flag. Inverse of /v1/open -> ad_tracking_enabled
user_data.advertising_idsMap of String → stringShould include the appropriate key for the device, and then the value of that advertising ID. See platform specific key-value section.
user_data.randomized_device_tokenStringOn initial request (i.e. install), omit this key. Will be returned in the first response (e.g. "randomized_device_token": "123456789123456789"). Then send this up on subsequent requests.
event_data.transaction_idStringYour ID for the event's transaction.
event_data.currencyString (enum)ISO-4217 Currency Codes Only
event_data.revenueDouble / floatThe revenue amount of said transaction.
retryNumberIntegerDefault to 0. If retrying a request, then set this to 1 (first retry) or 2 (second retry).

Conversion Event Platform-Specific Key Values


  • user_data.os: mac_OS
  • user_data.environment: DESKTOP_APP
  • id: MAC address (Media Access Control)
    • example: "mac_address" : "88:66:5a:2f:81:fa"


  • user_data.os: WINDOWS
  • user_data.environment: DESKTOP_APP
  • user_data.advertising_ids: windows_advertising_id
    • example: "windows_advertising_id": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"
  • id: MAC address (Media Access Control)
    • example: "mac_address" : "00:1A:C2:7B:00:47"


  • user_data.os: ROKU
  • user_data.environment: TV_APP
  • user_data.advertising_ids: roku_rida
    • example: "roku_rida": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • user_data.os: SAMSUNG
  • user_data.environment: TV_APP
  • user_data.advertising_ids: samsung_ifa
    • example: "samsung_ifa": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • user_data.os: LG
  • user_data.environment: TV_APP
  • user_data.advertising_ids: lg_ifa
    • example: "lg_ifa": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • user_data.os: PANASONIC
  • user_data.environment: TV_APP
  • user_data.advertising_ids: panasonic_ifa
    • example: "panasonic_ifa": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"


  • user_data.os: XBOX
  • user_data.environment: TV_APP
  • user_data.advertising_ids: xbox_msai
    • example: "xbox_msai": "ea31e5e0-1aa5-4181-91d7-0b56524e0274"

Sample Request

curl -d '{
  "name": "PURCHASE",
  "customer_event_alias": "purchase 5 tokens",
  "branch_key": "key_live_nezyBshNogxltEUiFjKaDbmkrDlwphCf",
  "user_data": {
    "developer_identity": "user123",
    "app_version": "1.0.1",
    "os": "ROKU",
    "os_version": "10.0",
    "brand": "Roku",
    "model": "4200X",
    "sdk": "roku",
    "sdk_version": "1.0.0",
    "screen_height": 1334,
    "screen_width": 750,
    "environment": "TV_APP",
    "limit_ad_tracking": false,
    "advertising_ids": {
      "roku_rida": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000123"
    "randomized_device_token": "123456789123456789"
  "event_data": {
    "transaction_id": "foobar",
    "currency": "USD",
    "revenue": 100
  "retryNumber": 0
}' ""

Example Response

You do not need to examine the response body. Simply look for a 200 HTTP status code. Non-2xx status codes indicate an error.