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Connected SDK



BETA Feedback

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SDK Stats

Github Repository is Private until General Availability

SDK Size: 33kb

Speed: Median 80ms to 250ms

Connected Demo App

Want to take our technology for a test drive before implementing it?

Want to dive into the code directly?

Basic Integration

Click below for the Basic Integration Guide for implementing the Branch Connected SDK.

Advanced Features

On top of the basic integration, you can implement the following features:

  • Create Content reference
  • Create deep link
  • Share deep link
  • Read deep link
  • Create QR Code
  • Display content
  • Track events
  • Track users
  • Host deep link data
  • Enable/Disable User Tracking


Test your Branch integration before your app goes live.


Running into issues? Browse our troubleshooting section to find a solution.

Version History

View past versions of the Branch SDK for Connected including changes.

Full Reference

The information presented here serves as a reference manual for our Connected SDK.