The QR Code API is an HTTP API that can be use for creating custom QR Codes programmatically. Every QR Code will contain a unique Branch link which you can deep link and track analytics with.
Access to the QR Code API requires our Engagement Pro package.
This package also includes access to dynamic QR Codes, custom QR Codes, and QR Code analytics.
Learn more on our packaging page.
Create a QR Code
POST /v2/qr-code
Content-Type: application/json
Rate Limits
25 requests per second
100 requests per minute
1000 requests per hour
Parameter | Type | Definition |
branchkey (_REQUIRED) | String | The Branch key of the originating app; from your Branch Settings Dashboard |
data (Optional) | JSON | The dictionary to embed link data behind the QR Code. Accessed as session or install parameters from the SDK. Use the data dictionary for all link control parameters that you'll find here. |
Branch analytics parameters (Optional) | String | It's important to tag your links with an organized structure of analytics labels so that the data appears consistent and readable in the dashboard. |
qr_code_settings | JSON | If this nor any of the key/value pairs are not present, we will utilize your app defaults. See table below for setting details. Required if you would like to override QR code properties defined on the Branch Dashboard. |
Parameter | Type | Definition |
code_color | String | Hex color value of the QR Code itself. |
background_color | String | Hex color value of the background of the QR code itself. |
margin | Integer (Pixels) | The number of pixels you want for the margin (minimum: 0px). The default margin size is 3% of the QR Code image's width. |
width | Integer (Pixels) | Output size of QR Code image (minimum: 300px, maximum: 2000px). Only applicable to JPEG/PNG. |
image_format | String | PNG, JPEG, or JPG. |
center_logo_url | String (HTTP URL) | URL to the image you want as a center logo, for example: |
code_pattern | Integer | Instead of the generic/standard QR-Code pattern we’re used to seeing, customers can now use (1) standard, (2) squares, (3) circles, (4) triangles, (5) diamonds, (6) hexagons, and (7) octagons. |
finder_pattern | Integer | The finder pattern refers to the shape seen in the top left, top right, and bottom left of a QR-Code. Users can now choose between a (1) square, (2) rounded square, or (3) circle. |
finder_pattern_color | String | Hex color value of the Finder Pattern, which can be found at: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ |
background_image_url | String | Layer the QR-Code on top a background image. |
code_pattern_url | String | A direct link to an image, meant to be used as the code-pattern itself on the QR Code. |
finder_eye_color | String | Hex color value of the finder eye, which can be found at: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ |
Sample Request
curl --request POST \
--url https://api2.branch.io/v2/qr-code \
--header 'accept: image/*' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"qr_code_settings": {
"code_pattern": 1,
"finder_pattern": 1,
"image_format": "png",
"center_logo_url": "https://cdn.branch.io/branch-assets/1598575682753-og_image.png",
"width": 300,
"margin": 1,
"code_color": "#000000",
"background_color": "#FFFFFF",
"finder_pattern_color": "#000000",
"finder_eye_color": "#000000"
"branch_key": "key_live_xxxx"
Image Ouput
Note that the output of this cURL requests will be saved in the current directory as the file name indicated at the end of the request e.g.