The Branch Events API is a robust tool for tracking events that take place in your app.
These events fall under 4 categories: Commerce, Content, Lifecycle, or Custom.
With the Branch Events API, you can track conversion data and include detailed metadata to help you better understand user behavior as it relates to your campaigns.
Try It!
Try out the Events API in your browser, using your Branch data:
Getting Started
In order to use the Events API, you first need to create a Branch Dashboard.
Calls to the Events API require your Branch Key. Your Branch Key can be found in your Branch Dashboard Account Settings.
Learn more about your Branch Account Profile here.
Logging Standard Events
Use this endpoint to log standard Branch Events.
Standard Branch Events are limited to Commerce, Content, and Lifecycle events. See the "Request Body Parameters" table in this section to see which standard Branch Events you can log with this endpoint.
Request Info
Export Request
POST /v2/event/standard
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Required |
| application/json | Recommended |
| application/json | Recommended |
Top Level Request Body Parameters
Top Level Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
| String | The Branch Key for the relevant application. | Yes |
| String | The name of the event to log. Must be one of the standard Branch Event names included below. | Yes |
| String | The event alias, as defined by you. Used in addition to the Branch Event name in the | No |
| Obj | An object related to user data, containing things like device information and advertising IDs. | Yes |
| Obj | An object for additional custom key-value pairs that you would like attached to the Branch Event. This is attached to Branch Events that are retrieved via exports and sent via webhooks. | No |
| Obj | An object containing additional data about the specific event, including information about things like currency and revenue. | No |
| Obj | An object only for Commerce and Content Branch Events. Contains additional information about specific content. | No |
Parameters Included in user_data
Required Identifiers
You must include at least one of the following in
Parameters for | Type | Description | Required |
| String | Examples: | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The version of the operating system. | No |
| String | Usually | No |
| String | The Android Advertising ID. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The Android hardware ID. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The iOS advertising ID. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The iOS vendor ID. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| Bool | Set to | No |
| String | The user agent of the browser or app where the event occurred. Usually associated with a webview. | No |
| String | An internal-only field for Branch to track browsers. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The current page URL where the Branch Web SDK logged a web session start. | No |
| String | The referral URL that led to the current page where the Branch Web SDK logged a web session start. | No |
| String | The developer-specified identity for a user. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The country code of the user, usually based on device settings or the user agent string. | No |
| String | The language code of the user, usually based on device settings or the user agent string. | No |
| String | The IP address for the device where the event occurred. | No |
| String | Android only: the local IP of the device. | No |
| String | The brand of the device. | No |
| String | An internal-only Branch field for tracking devices. | No |
| String | The version of the app downloaded by the user. | No |
| String | The model of the device. | No |
| Int | The screen's DPI. | No |
| Int | The screen's height. | No |
| Int | The screen's width. | No |
| Bool | Whether European regulations, including the DMA, apply to this user and conversion. | Required if EU regulations apply to this user |
| Bool | Whether end user has granted or denied ads personalization consent. | Required if |
| Bool | Whether end user has granted or denied consent for 3P transmission of user level data for ads. | Required if |
Parameters Included in event_data
Parameters for | Type | Description | Required |
| String | The partner-specified transaction ID for their internal use. | No |
| Num | The partner-specified reported revenue for the event. | No |
| String | The currency that the revenue, price, shipping, and tax were originally reported in by the partner. | No |
| Num | The shipping cost associated with the transaction. | No |
| Num | The total tax associated with the transaction. | No |
| String | The transaction coupon redeemed with the transaction (e.g. | No |
| String | The store or affiliation associated with this transaction (e.g. | No |
| String | The description associated with the event, not necessarily specific to any individual content items (see | No |
| String | Additional search queries. | No |
Parameters Included in content_items
Parameters for | Type | Description | Required |
| String | The category or schema for a piece of content. May be used in the future for analytics. Must be one of the following: | No |
| String | The title for the content item. | No |
| String | The image URL for the content item. | No |
| String | Allows Branch to unify content/messages for content analytics. | No |
| Bool | Whether content can be indexed for public use. | No |
| Bool | Use | No |
| String | The price for the product or content. | No |
| String | The quantity of the item to be ordered. | No |
| String | The product SKU or product ID. | No |
| String | The product's name. | No |
| String | The product's brand. | No |
| String | The product's category. Must be one of the following: | No |
| String | The product's variant. Examples would be | No |
| Num | The average rating of the item. | No |
| Num | The number of ratings for the item. | No |
| Num | The maximum possible rating for the item (e.g. 5.0 if 5 stars is highest possible rating). | No |
| Int | The time the content was created. | No |
| Int | The time after which this content is no longer valid. The values | No |
| Array | An array of keywords (strings) related to the product. | No |
| String | The street address for a restaurant, business, room (hotel), etc. | No |
| String | The city for a restaurant, business, room (hotel), etc. | No |
| String | The state or region for a restaurant, business, room (hotel), etc. | No |
| String | The country code for a restaurant, business, room (hotel), etc. | No |
| String | The postal/zip code for a restaurant, business, room (hotel), etc. | No |
| Num | The latitude for a restaurant, business, room (hotel), etc. | No |
| Num | The longitude for a restaurant, business, room (hotel), etc. | No |
| Array | An array of captions (strings) associated with the image. | No |
| String | Relates to product condition, and generally used for auctions. Must be one of the following: | No |
| Obj | A object containing key-value pairs that you would like attached to the content item. Attached to events that are retrieved via exports and sent via webhooks. | No |
Response Info
Response Codes
Response Code | Definition |
200 | Success |
400 | Authentication failed |
429 | Rate limit reached |
Example Requests
curl -vvv -d '{
"name": "PURCHASE",
"customer_event_alias": "my custom alias",
"user_data": {
"advertising_ids": {
"oaid": "00aa00a0-0000-0a00-a000-aaa0000a0aaa"
"os": "Android",
"os_version": 25,
"environment": "FULL_APP",
"aaid": "abcdabcd-0123-0123-00f0-000000000000",
"android_id": "a12300000000",
"limit_ad_tracking": false,
"developer_identity": "user123",
"country": "US",
"language": "en",
"local_ip": "",
"brand": "LGE",
"app_version": "1.0.0",
"model": "Nexus 5X",
"screen_dpi": 420,
"screen_height": 1794,
"screen_width": 1080,
"dma_eea": true,
"dma_ad_personalization": true,
"dma_ad_user_data": true
"custom_data": {
"purchase_loc": "Palo Alto",
"store_pickup": "unavailable"
"event_data": {
"transaction_id": "tras_Id_1232343434",
"currency": "USD",
"revenue": 180.2,
"shipping": 10.5,
"tax": 13.5,
"coupon": "promo-1234",
"affiliation": "high_fi",
"description": "Preferred purchase"
"content_items": [
"$content_schema": "COMMERCE_PRODUCT",
"$og_title": "Nike Shoe",
"$og_description": "Start loving your steps",
"$og_image_url": "http://example.com/img1.jpg",
"$canonical_identifier": "nike/1234",
"$publicly_indexable": false,
"$price": 101.2,
"$locally_indexable": true,
"$quantity": 1,
"$sku": "1101123445",
"$product_name": "Runner",
"$product_brand": "Nike",
"$product_category": "Sporting Goods",
"$product_variant": "XL",
"$rating_average": 4.2,
"$rating_count": 5,
"$rating_max": 2.2,
"$creation_timestamp": 1499892854966,
"$exp_date": 1499892854966,
"$keywords": [
"$address_street": "230 South LaSalle Street",
"$address_city": "Chicago",
"$address_region": "IL",
"$address_country": "US",
"$address_postal_code": "60604",
"$latitude": 12.07,
"$longitude": -97.5,
"$image_captions": [
"$condition": "NEW",
"$custom_fields": "{\"foo1\":\"bar1\",\"foo2\":\"bar2\"}"
"$og_title": "Nike Woolen Sox",
"$canonical_identifier": "nike/5324",
"$og_description": "Fine combed woolen sox",
"$publicly_indexable": false,
"$price": 80.2,
"$locally_indexable": true,
"$quantity": 5,
"$sku": "110112467",
"$product_name": "Woolen Sox",
"$product_brand": "Nike",
"$product_category": "Apparel & Accessories",
"$product_variant": "Xl",
"$rating_average": 3.3,
"$rating_count": 5,
"$rating_max": 2.8,
"$creation_timestamp": 1499892854966
"metadata": {},
"branch_key": "key_test_XXX"
}' https://api2.branch.io/v2/event/standard
curl -vvv -d '{
"name": "VIEW_ITEMS",
"customer_event_alias": "my custom alias",
"user_data": {
"advertising_ids": {
"oaid": "00aa00a0-0000-0a00-a000-aaa0000a0aaa"
"os": "Android",
"os_version": 25,
"environment": "FULL_APP",
"aaid": "abcdabcd-0123-0123-00f0-000000000000",
"android_id": "a12300000000",
"limit_ad_tracking": false,
"developer_identity": "user123",
"country": "US",
"language": "en",
"ip": "",
"local_ip": "",
"brand": "LGE",
"app_version": "1.0.0",
"model": "Nexus 5X",
"screen_dpi": 420,
"screen_height": 1794,
"screen_width": 1080,
"dma_eea": true,
"dma_ad_personalization": true,
"dma_ad_user_data": true
"custom_data": {
"purchase_loc": "Palo Alto",
"store_pickup": "unavailable"
"event_data": {
"search_query": "red sneakers",
"description": "Preferred purchase"
"content_items": [
"$content_schema": "COMMERCE_PRODUCT",
"$og_title": "Nike Shoe",
"$og_description": "Start loving your steps",
"$og_image_url": "http://example.com/img1.jpg",
"$canonical_identifier": "nike/1234",
"$publicly_indexable": false,
"$price": 101.2,
"$locally_indexable": true,
"$sku": "1101123445",
"$product_name": "Runner",
"$product_brand": "Nike",
"$product_category": "Sporting Goods",
"$product_variant": "XL",
"$rating_average": 4.2,
"$rating_count": 5,
"$rating_max": 2.2,
"$creation_timestamp": 1499892854966,
"$exp_date": 1499892854966,
"$keywords": [
"$address_street": "230 South LaSalle Street",
"$address_city": "Chicago",
"$address_region": "IL",
"$address_country": "US",
"$address_postal_code": "60604",
"$latitude": 12.07,
"$longitude": -97.5,
"$image_captions": [
"$condition": "NEW",
"$custom_fields": "{\"foo1\":\"bar1\",\"foo2\":\"bar2\"}"
"$og_title": "Nike Woolen Sox",
"$canonical_identifier": "nike/5324",
"$og_description": "Fine combed woolen sox",
"$publicly_indexable": false,
"$price": 80.2,
"$locally_indexable": true,
"$sku": "110112467",
"$product_name": "Woolen Sox",
"$product_brand": "Nike",
"$product_category": "Apparel & Accessories",
"$product_variant": "Xl",
"$rating_average": 3.3,
"$rating_count": 5,
"$rating_max": 2.8,
"$creation_timestamp": 1499892854966
"metadata": {},
"branch_key": "key_test_XXX"
}' https://api.branch.io/v2/event/standard
curl -vvv -d '{
"user_data": {
"advertising_ids": {
"oaid": "00aa00a0-0000-0a00-a000-aaa0000a0aaa"
"os": "Android",
"os_version": 25,
"environment": "FULL_APP",
"aaid": "abcdabcd-0123-0123-00f0-000000000000",
"android_id": "a12300000000",
"limit_ad_tracking": false,
"developer_identity": "user123",
"country": "US",
"language": "en",
"ip": "",
"local_ip": "",
"brand": "LGE",
"app_version": "1.0.0",
"model": "Nexus 5X",
"screen_dpi": 420,
"screen_height": 1794,
"screen_width": 1080,
"dma_eea": true,
"dma_ad_personalization": true,
"dma_ad_user_data": true
"custom_data": {
"foo": "bar"
"event_data": {
"description": "Preferred purchase"
"metadata": {},
"branch_key": "key_test_XXX"
}' https://api.branch.io/v2/event/standard
Example Response
"ascending_only": false,
"locked": false
Logging Custom Events
Request Info
Export Request
POST /v2/event/custom
Request Header Parameters
Parameter | Value | Required |
| application/json | Recommended |
| application/json | Recommended |
Top Level Request Body Parameters
Top Level Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
| String | The Branch Key for the relevant application. | Yes |
| String | The name of the event to log. Can be a custom event name and include spaces, for example | Yes |
| Obj | An object related to user data, containing things like device information and advertising IDs. | Yes |
| Obj | An object for additional custom key-value pairs that you would like attached to the Branch Event. This is attached to Branch Events that are retrieved via exports and sent via webhooks. | No |
| Obj | An object to store further information about the Branch Event. | No |
| Obj | An object containing additional data about the specific event, including information about things like currency and revenue. | No |
Parameters Included in user_data
Required Identifiers
You must include at least one of the following in
Parameters for | Type | Description | Required |
| String | Examples: | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The version of the operating system. | No |
| String | Usually | No |
| String | The Android Advertising ID. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The Android hardware ID. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The iOS advertising ID. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The iOS vendor ID. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| Bool | Set to | No |
| String | The user agent of the browser or app where the event occurred. Usually associated with a webview. | No |
| String | An internal-only field for Branch to track browsers. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The current page URL where the Branch Web SDK logged a web session start. | No |
| String | The referral URL that led to the current page where the Branch Web SDK logged a web session start. | No |
| String | The developer-specified identity for a user. | See "Required Identifiers" callout |
| String | The country code of the user, usually based on device settings or the user agent string. | No |
| String | The language code of the user, usually based on device settings or the user agent string. | No |
| String | The IP address for the device where the event occurred. | No |
| String | Android only: the local IP of the device. | No |
| String | The brand of the device. | No |
| String | An internal-only Branch field for tracking devices. | No |
| String | The version of the app downloaded by the user. | No |
| String | The model of the device. | No |
| Int | The screen's DPI. | No |
| Int | The screen's height. | No |
| Int | The screen's width. | No |
| Bool | Whether European regulations, including the DMA, apply to this user and conversion. | Required if EU regulations apply to this user |
| Bool | Whether end user has granted or denied ads personalization consent. | Required if |
| Bool | Whether end user has granted or denied consent for 3P transmission of user level data for ads. | Required if |
Parameters Included in event_data
Parameters for | Type | Description | Required |
| String | The partner-specified transaction ID for their internal use. | No |
| Num | The partner-specified reported revenue for the event. | No |
| String | The currency that the revenue, price, shipping, and tax were originally reported in by the partner. | No |
| Num | The shipping cost associated with the transaction. | No |
| Num | The total tax associated with the transaction. | No |
| String | The transaction coupon redeemed with the transaction (e.g. | No |
| String | The store or affiliation associated with this transaction (e.g. | No |
| String | The description associated with the event, not necessarily specific to any individual content items (see | No |
| String | Additional search queries. | No |
Response Info
Response Codes
Response Code | Definition |
200 | Success |
400 | Authentication failed |
429 | Rate limit reached |
Example Request & Response
curl -vvv -d '{
"name": "picture swiped",
"user_data": {
"advertising_ids": {
"oaid": "02ab41d3-7886-4f29-a606-fba4372e9fdc"
"os": "Android",
"os_version": 25,
"environment": "FULL_APP",
"aaid": "abcdabcd-0123-0123-00f0-000000000000",
"android_id": "a12300000000",
"limit_ad_tracking": false,
"developer_identity": "user123",
"country": "US",
"language": "en",
"ip": "",
"local_ip": "",
"brand": "LGE",
"app_version": "1.0.0",
"model": "Nexus 5X",
"screen_dpi": 420,
"screen_height": 1794,
"screen_width": 1080,
"dma_eea": true,
"dma_ad_personalization": true,
"dma_ad_user_data": true
"custom_data": {
"foo": "bar"
"meta_data": {
"foo": "bar"
"branch_key": "key_test_XXX"
}' https://api.branch.io/v2/event/custom
"ascending_only": false,
"locked": false
Verify Events Sent
Once you have used the Branch Events API to track a Branch Event, you can verify that it was successfully sent for attribution using the Branch Dashboard's Liveview screen.
Note: Please be patient when using the Liveview screen, as it may take some time for data to flow from Branch's attribution systems to your Branch Dashboard. If the data has not appears in Liveview after 30 minutes, review your API request to see if you may have missed something.